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Equality:Men vs Woman

Writer's picture: Tajma CameronTajma Cameron

There has been a double stander for men and woman for YEARS this s not something new woman had to fight for their right to be counted and voted woman had to fight for the right for there jobs.

The only reason woman earned up in the job escort was because the men went off to the war and the woman were allowed to work in their place while they were gone and when they came back they were allowed to continue working .

Woman continued to evolve in the job sectors they learned more and began to do more and really become a part of the working world.

This became a probable

It started to emasculate the men because now there woman wasn’t the house wife she was working shoulder to shoulder and it started to become a issue and everything changed.The fact of the matter is there are statistically more woman and girls born all over this earth more won and girls going into the work force and in career field s so why exactly is it that woman are not read in the rate of by equality let alone in any other field,

Woman are smart intelligent and they do a lot of the same jobs as mean so way are they getting paid less.

Why are they getting treated less, why do they not have the right to be able to be in the same jobs and position as men

Woman have broken barriers in sports and in the military you name it woman have tried and succeeded they are go getters they are fighters and are willing to fight for their rights to be to be held at the same standard as men.

Woman think strategically process things different not to say woman are smarter but they do things different then men in ways that can be more efficient and effective and in less time then there male counter parts they can multi take and that makes them valuable assets and they should be paid for it

Respected for it.

Woman are made out to be jokes in office settings and aren’t as respected as they should be for having their own opinion they are off put by men who make jokes to try and dean woman because they feel threatened by the woman and her intelligence. Woman have been trying to fight for respect in there career for years. If they wear suits they are rejected and looked at as being “dikes”

If they are dressed sexy and like woman they are looked at as object for sexual harassment.Woman are not products for men’s amusement and we should all be treated equally in all area’s a crossed the board

Now some may argue woman aren’t strong enough psychically to handle certain things in certain jobs as men are and that may be the case but they are smart enough where men have physical strength woman have mental and we should be paid for out balance. We should be equal and about to shine together.

There is only one point a woman she step back and let a man be a man and that is in her marriage as respect to their union but anywhere else they need to be equal partners.Some say that woman were never meant to be this way even in the bible it was not meant to be so but at the same time times have change things changed with time if you stand within your religion within your home and your marriage and even in your marriage you need to be treating each other as equals it’s just having the ability to have the humility to stand back and let the men be mean where they need to be men.

All equality is a balancing of the scales for men and woman.

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