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I can rember like it was just yesterday sitting in my bedroom watching a YouTube video and seeing the Grid of Golbal Goals for UN Sustainable Development and I knew that I wanted to make a Impact on the world in Hunger, Poverty, Homelessness, Education {Women's Rights} Equality  Gender Equality


I wanbted to Know how I could help. How can i make a change How can I biuld something New open up something New make something New, so I started to Dream again and I started to Biuld and I came up with these which are my Non- Profits that fall under 50 Impact

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Mission Statement

[ There is a Missing element in the way that Homeless people are being taken care of and that is the fact that the people that are supposed to be helping them in there families are

Spending their money

Neglecting them

Abusing them


A lot of homeless issue can be prevented if the “Power of Attorney” that they DON’T legally set it up they just set it up with someone they trust or they legally set it up and when they do that person ends up turning around and doing them wrong with the money as soon as they get their hands on it]


Business Objective(s)

[to create a Program that protects the Homeless that checks in on them and doubles checks on them but the key is preventing the “Human error”

The issue is the “Pop up visit” from case managers

Case mangers that aren’t doing their work]


Non Profit - Food Event

Mission Statement

[TO create individual events that are created for fundraising where we sell food at  price for meal full dinner desert and every dinner , desert etc. will be used to donate money back to each cause these events will be held

Monthly awareness

  • Domestic Violence Month

  • Breast cancer awareness

  • Hunger


  • Easter > Kids Neglect

  • Mother’s day > celebrating woman of all cultures all circumstance]


Business Objective(s)

[to take these events and use them within other events to help raise

  • Money

  • Awareness for these cause]

Mission Statement

[to Create a subsidiary department on the inside of my main Business that is all about getting In alignment with Grocery stores and Fast food Chains in order to make arrangement to pick up food from the stores that is the over flow and take that to be cooked and served


Business Objective(s)

[to go to all the Grocery stores and get there over flow of product and then take that Over Flow of Product and immidately taking it to be Cooked and setting up to feed the Homeless in formats of.

Restaunt for the homeless (having homeless work to help feed there own)]

  • Creating a Food Pantry department to feed the homeless

  • Creating a department to receive food and send it out ]

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My Post.jpg

Never Again - Treatment of the Homeless

Feeding The Hungry

Mission Statement

To create a business that the homeless have a place to stay but not just a place to stay a functioning facility that is multi-dimensional by this I mean that it’s a community for the homeless within a massive shelter that operates like it’s own incubator, you have a living area where there is Multi-levels that allow for the homeless to get their own apartments or rooms. Open spaces paces where there are just beds for them to sleep, Area’s for them to shower and get clean clothing, small medical area’s for them to be treated before they enter into the rest of the population of people (in order to prevent infestations, bed bugs, Lice and roaches) clean sheets and bedding, get them adjusted and then get them help 

African Water Project 

Mission Statement

[To take the food that would be received from the Grocery stores and develop Restaurant that would be able to feed the homeless where they are be a pop up restaurant take the community area that is designated for the homeless and create a restaurant area inside of a trailer and cook and feed the homes on site have it run 24/7 and they can get food whenever they want and desire]


Business Objective(s)

[as long as the homeless are on the street providing them free food to eat at their disposal at all times so that they can in turn feed themselves and get the appropriate notorious that they need to keep them healthy and sustained until they can be gotten into

  • Shelters

  • Transitional housing

  • Home

If you can sustain their health then they can be sustained anyplace they live because they will be in the right mind and have the strength to handle it]

Objective(s) to dig up the entire impoverished community leave it and dig down deep enough in the ground to put underground tanks that are going to take waste into one massive tank and then take the dirty water into the other massive tank.  Use a filtration system that clears out the water through a forced rotation but taking that momentum of forced rotation to create electricity throughout the forcing out the dirt to power the community and then take the wastes and use that as a form of fuel having it condensed and com[pressed in order to use it as fuel to power the water generators and cleaning tanks.  (instead of having sewage sitting there in underground tanks have it used as a fossil fuel) as well to create gardens with dome like green room gardens that fresh water will filter up into in a under carriage that keeps the gardens moisturized from underneath.  


GOLDen Healing - Healing FOR Violence Against Woman



Mission Statement

[To Help Victims of Violence find their strength and there voice and ability to stand on their own to feed through the transition of where they are through a process that will Bring them to the fullest strength of who they can be]


Business Objective(s)

[to create a service bases that will allot victims of violence to have a place to go as well the ability to get the help and the training that they need to reset their minds to understand the will and the strength that they have and the fact they can get out of the situation that they are in they have the support and the ability and avenues to find and fulfill their actual purpose]

Fundraising Gift & Baskets

Mission Statement

[To create a charity jewelry line that we have jewelry pieces specifically created to represent each and every cause that I am trying to help proceeds going help each charity]


Business Objective(s)

[To divide the portion of proceeds up To go to the charities that the


  necklaces and 


are to go to in order to help by giving 50-60% to the causes]

Mission Statement

[to create Baskets and Goodie Bags that can be mailed and shipped in formats of 


  • Donations (you get larger package the higer your donations)

  • Thank your for suporting the causes

  • When you come to events

Specialty and Fundraising

  • Geing able to Give back for what is given to

  • Making everyone feel special for giving there time and energy into the causes that mean most to my heart.

"Todays Millenials No longer want to just do things they want to attach a cause and a Meaning to what they do"

Our Mission

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Our Mission

Our Vision

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