Ordained Relationships
Are you Ready to see Change in your Relationships
Did you know that from the time we were born there were relationships friends partners spouses and more that we are MEANT to cross paths withs from the moment in which we were born
you see when i became an adult I uses to wonder how did people end up in the wrong relationships and you can look at them and see they are miserable and they are not happy they don't understand why and neather did I
I came to the understaining that there are relationships that we are ment to actually walk into
* Friendships
* Business partnerships
* Ordained marrage
I had to give those things to god and you know what you become stripped of your friend circle, healled, changed and made new and with every level you grow your friend circle should also grow.
your circle should have
* 5 personal friends
* 5 business relationship (at least)
* Business
* Financial circle
you should have someone on each of those levels and they pray and if your good ALL of them will be prayer warriors because you need people that will covered you
because it's time for .... Ordained Relationships.
Are you ready to come into a upgrade in your relationships and find the right set of people that will grow with you as you grow
Lets elevate your Friend circle
and your partnership Group
Put Your Relationships On the table
We are going to show you everything in your life that has lead to the relationship circles that you have now and what is in you good bad and even uggle that has taught you to become the person that you are now the roots. because when you identify the limiting belifs that are in you and when you see and begin to change those things then we will beable to help you change it
How it has effected you
Mentallty - How the people in your life from childhood into adult hood have shaped the world that you are living in and actually
Emotionally - Healling the broken parts of you that werre emotionally distroyed due to the fact that people hurt you broke you or supressed you by not pushing you to grow
Physically - the physical effects that the restionships have caused on you to be react and like that has created anxiety panic attacks and PTSD from how there words and action have effected you
Financially - How you saw the people around you have relationship with money and it rubbed off on you subconsously and leaves them into bondage so they can learn to break them and take share over ther lives by takeing authority in those places and spaces
Spiritually - the breaking off of the limiting beliefs and in order to grow and Biuld things up and Grow into someone new by growing in your relationships
Socially - the relationsionships as you are now creating the new relationships and forming your new innner circle outter circle and professional circle
I firmly Believe that you are here because you are desiring to see changes be made in your life but i heard from a minster in my life "some times God can't bless you until he changes your cirle of friends so that you can begin to biuld and shift so that you can have fullfilling relationships so that they become creatable deep and refect the best version of you . I want to help you pave your way by having relationship that are fullfilling and that they are willing to walk with you in the best paths and relationships
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
God Ordained Marriage
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Golden Rebirth
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Wive Who Worship
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I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre