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  • Writer's pictureTajma Cameron

Toxic People and Finances: Repositioning for Financial Peace

Making the Conscious Decision to Reposition

In the pursuit of financial growth, a conscious decision and concerted effort to reposition individuals in your life become crucial. The ability to compartmentalize relationships and make intentional decisions about where people fit into your life is a valuable skill. In the process, three powerful words come to the forefront—Watch, Observe, and Discern.

Centering Your Life for Peace

Understanding the importance of placing yourself at the center of your life is key to determining what brings you peace. For those with a spiritual foundation, like being a child of God, peace is found in the journey and walk with the Lord. Everything else operates outside of this central alignment. Identifying toxic people and their actions becomes essential in maintaining the desired peace in your life.

Recognizing and Eliminating Toxic Relationships

Cutting toxic people out of your life is a fundamental step in the pursuit of financial well-being. While this may seem obvious, many individuals struggle to let go of relationships that hinder their growth. Allowing people to escort themselves out of your life is a wisdom-filled approach. Toxic individuals, whether for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, need to be repositioned in alignment with their designated role.

A Wisdom Moment from Madea: Escorting Toxicity Out

Tyler Perry's Madea imparts wisdom in recognizing that some people need to be allowed to escort themselves out of your life. As you grow and make decisions to step outside your comfort zone, the people around you must adapt or be escorted out. Refusing to return to the familiar results in inevitable changes in your social circle. Escorting toxic individuals out may be for a season or a lifetime, and this decision is instrumental in personal and financial growth.

Outer Courts and the Tendency to Return

Toxic people may attempt to return, standing on the opposite side of the glass with a pitiful story. Understanding the tendency for toxic individuals to come back requires vigilance. Placing them on the outer courts of your life allows you to observe and discern their genuineness. The Bible alludes to the fact that toxic people may retreat but will always seek an opportune time to return. Being aware and testing their genuineness is crucial in safeguarding your financial and emotional well-being.

The Continuous Cycle of Toxic Habits

Toxic individuals are characterized by repetitive cycles, often resorting to false flattery or presenting a façade of genuine desire. It's essential to recognize that even if they attempt to change slightly, the deep-rooted habits persist. True change requires internal transformation, and until they make such changes, the cycle will repeat. Watching, observing, and discerning are imperative to avoid falling prey to the same toxic patterns.


Repositioning toxic people in your life is a continuous process, demanding a conscious effort to create a space for positive growth. Financial well-being is intimately tied to the quality of relationships you maintain. In part two, we will delve deeper into strategies for repositioning toxic individuals and fostering an environment conducive to financial success. Stay tuned for valuable insights on reclaiming control over your finances by redefining your social landscape.

The Subtle Tactics of the Enemy

Understanding the tactics toxic individuals employ to infiltrate your life and finances is paramount to maintaining control and growth. Their primary strategy is to trick you into rebelling against the positive habits and attitudes you've diligently cultivated. The enemy seeks to disrupt your financial rituals and routines by instigating confusion and enticing you to spend money recklessly.

The Three Temptations: Lust of the Eye, Lust of the Flesh, Pride of Life

Drawing parallels to biblical wisdom, the enemy consistently uses three temptations to lure individuals back into destructive financial patterns:

  • Lust of the Eye: This involves presenting enticing visuals or opportunities that provoke you to revert to previous habits, disrupting the consistent routines you've established and draining your finances.

  • Lust of the Flesh: Toxic individuals may entice you with purchases that cater to your fleshly desires, diverting your focus from financial discipline.

  • Pride of Life: The enemy may offer opportunities that appeal to your pride, promising worldly gains or recognition. Accepting such offers requires rebellion against your established financial principles.

These tactics aim to tempt you into agreement with behaviors you've consciously distanced yourself from, ultimately causing financial setbacks.

Vanity Metrics and the Lure of Rebellion

Toxic individuals employ vanity metrics to entice you. These metrics appeal to your desires, drawing you into rebellion against your established financial practices. The enemy strategically places enticing elements before you, challenging your commitment to financial growth.

Understanding these tactics is crucial for observing, watching, and discerning the motives behind their actions. Moving forward, you must be adept at recognizing these ploys and responding accordingly. Some toxic individuals may learn from their mistakes, while others may persist in their harmful behavior. Your focus, however, should not waver.

The Imperative of Time: Walking Towards Progress

In the pursuit of your financial goals, time is a valuable asset that cannot be squandered on individuals resistant to positive change. Rather than investing time in futile attempts to reform toxic people, it's essential to keep moving forward. This requires a decisive decision—to replant and reset a brand-new root system.

Repositioning for Financial Growth

Replanting and resetting your financial foundation involves a deliberate commitment to severing ties with toxic influences. It's about creating an environment where positive growth can occur without the hindrance of destructive relationships. As you walk towards progress, be resolute in your decision to prioritize financial well-being over futile attempts to change those resistant to positive transformation.

In conclusion, understanding the subtle tactics of toxic individuals allows you to guard your financial peace. Recognize the temptations, stay vigilant against rebellion, and be decisive in replanting for a healthier financial future. The journey toward financial growth requires not only discipline in your habits but also discernment in the company you keep. Stay tuned for more insights on fortifying your financial foundation in part three.

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