Why Choose MYMMUM?
My desire is to Biuld a community that will become a internal network for the different levels of people to become something biffer and to become greater then just something simple
01. Every Day Stuggle
A Place where we Become United
Uniting for a cause that is Biggere then we are. coming together to declare freedom to our finances and the ablity to make the fincial decision with freedom of choice choosing betwen a 9-5 or Unemployment check
Making the decison to Live free "for He who the son sets free is free indeed"
Level One - How do I servive and thrive in this Envirment
Unemployment is ending
some jobs are cracking down on mandates for you to get and maintain a job
ther by creating a form of fear mongering in order for you to to choose the answer that they feel is best for you and your family.
I have no Job
How am I going to feed my Family
This is the Place fore you this is the place that you will be able to connect with like mindied people you can come together work together and grow together helping other in the very same predicment Biuld and grow in order to make money helping people doo the basic need and you figure out how you will do it for you
03. The Starving Artist
and now that we are here We have come together and now we are learning to grow now its time to help others grow and shine level two creators and Level 3 creaors can come together in commity connection collective in order to mentor the one coming in as elders that have been inthe business and lead the other one (Like big Brothers and Big Sister)
Level Two
you got the job or you got the job back, but while you were gone you discovered your hearts oassion for something else now maybe for you the job is a form of supplement of income for the thing you love to do
to feed your family in the process
but there is this nawing feeling in your guy that that job isin;t what you really want to do what your called to but what if you could do something to help other suplent there income while learing to help other incorparate there passion into there corpate jobs on a daily bases until there side husle become there main hustle, help people plan and prepare for the worst but give them the options and resources for the best.
brong them in and come on lets come together and lets talk.
05. The Conscious Artist
Level Three
your a creative artist you have been out there you know what the entertainment world is you have seen both sides of the coin and you have scene both sides of the struggle. your at the point your self and you know you need to do a reset
you were hit hard by life in thse recent years and you need to start over financially and remember the basic, become familar with the basic again to strgthen your fondation again from where you are right now and then take the time to learn grow again in what ever new direction and new endevors that your planning to jump into this is the community for you