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  • Writer's pictureTajma Cameron

Breaking Free: The Art of Cutting Off and Moving Forward Financially

Embracing Change: A Conscious Decision to Cut Off Unbeneficial Habits

Having identified the habits, behaviors, and societal norms ingrained in you, the pivotal moment arrives to make a conscious decision to cut them off. However, this seemingly straightforward process comes with its own set of challenges, as breaking free from the comfort zone prompts resistance and reactions from those accustomed to your previous patterns.

The Challenge of Cutting Off and Navigating Resistance

The decision to cut off unbeneficial habits is easier said than done. Your comfort zone creates a barrier of allowance, and when you make the conscious effort to sever certain behaviors, people, or situations, a consistent habit of change invites resistance. Be prepared for people to react as if you've slapped them in the face. Understand that this isn't necessarily a negative response but an indication that your surroundings are revealing who and where the problem lies.

Recognition and Revelations: People Show You Who They Are

Amidst change, a crucial lesson unfolds — people will show you who they are; all you need to do is believe them. Recognizing the individuals or situations resistant to your positive changes is a key aspect of your growth journey. The hardest part is witnessing those closest to you resist the transformation you've embraced. However, these reactions serve as a valuable compass, guiding you towards those who align with your newfound path.

The Ritual of Cutting Off Habits: A 21-Day Challenge

To cut off unbeneficial habits, you must transform your decision into a consistent routine. Creating a habitual pattern takes 21 days to form and 42 days to become second nature. The process involves meticulous commitment and determination to break free from ingrained behaviors. As you embark on this challenge, you'll experience pushback from the people who thrive in the old patterns you're leaving behind.

Shifting Environments: Choosing Growth Over Comfort

In your pursuit of financial change, your environment plays a pivotal role. If your current surroundings fail to align with your evolving self, it's crucial to change your environment. Be attuned to the signs that your environment no longer serves you, as your financial changes will inevitably lead to a shift in your surroundings. Your circle must evolve, reflecting the positive changes you've embraced.

Changing Circles: The Five Closest People to You

As your financial seasons change, so must the people around you. Recognize that you are a reflection of the five closest individuals in your life. If financial changes are met with irritation from your current circle, it's a sign that your growth is incompatible with their stagnation. Understand that you will be pushed out of situations and circumstances that can no longer hold or sustain your newfound financial trajectory.

The Uncomfortable Yet Necessary Truth: Leaving Loved Ones Behind

Breaking free often requires leaving behind loved ones, a reality that echoes an ancient scripture advising that you may need to leave mother, father, sister, brother, or cousin to follow a different direction. While challenging, this sacrifice is essential for growth. Some may need to part ways with spouses or close family members whose habits hinder financial progress.

The Wisdom of Pruning: Cutting Off Dead Branches for Growth

In the natural world, a tree prunes dead branches to foster new growth. Similarly, in your life, there is a necessity to cut off unproductive leaves. Whether it involves burning bridges completely or distancing and repositioning, the decision rests on your assessment of the need for growth. Recognizing that you can't stay in the same place with newfound wisdom, knowledge, and understanding is the first step toward building a financial legacy.

In the upcoming chapter, we'll delve into the nuanced art of navigating these changes, exploring whether burning bridges or repositioning is the most effective strategy for your unique circumstances.

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