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Mindset of Wealth
Health Means Wealth 

What do you do?


I am a holistic lifestyle motivational coach I help people get Down to the heart of themselves undercovering what there emotional blocks are in order to uncover there true purpose and help them evolve into there true selves and stand in confidence in that. Through the premise "what is going on inside of you reflects on the out side" then giving the foundation and tool to biuld from the ground up




 * Purpose - Discovering what it is or rediscovering new facite of themselve in order to pivit and find who they are 

* Financially - construct the net that will be the foundation and cushion they willg grow upon or Reconstruct that place they have grown excavate what isn't need and replant inorder to regrow and seward good health and weath from where they are now




What do you do… really?


I help people who are lost that have finally com to the point that they want to make a change but don't know how I give them a series of steps and techniques as well as fincial stratigies find there balance mentality emotionally socialy physically financially  spiritualy to create a balance that creates one whole and complete person.


 What do you love about your work?


The fact that my work helps facilitate the transformation of a human being to find that inner pulse that they buried deep down within themselves and step into the strong version sophisticated version of themselves that they are able to step into with confidence and own there truest version of themselves nothing makes me happier then to see a client go from nothing then to fabulous and carry the attitude to match and be greatful I gave them their life back. by giving them the foundation to biuld that life apon 


because non of this would be posible if you don't handle the things that are within there survivial instinct, of there basic need onces those needs are met then they can grow 


“You may think my company does holistic coaching.  What you might not know is we do a combination of holistic mind, Body and spirit but in addition to that after we work on your inside we take it a step further and work on your outside all the fashionable stuff that we all love, giving you a external make over so that it matches the new you inside and lastly we take your home and your sanctuary and make it flow with the new energy that is you... Anyone can do a make over it takes skill to make you over from inside out and top to bottom.”


People say faith without works is lost... I like to say a human heart with out work heals nothing.


I remember when I was first starting college my second or 3rd semester I took a health course and in that course I will never forget they spoke of the five major section in health that a person needs to keep in balance in order to be a fully balanced and functioning person at their highest potential and these 5 sector are




Mental health-The ability to learn and grow intellectually. Life experiences as well as more formal structures (e.g., school) enhance mental health.( canfitpro)






• Emotional health-The ability to control emotions so that you feel comfortable expressing them and can express them appropriately.( canfitpro)





Social health-The ability to interact well with people and the environment and to have satisfying personal relationships(canfitpro)




Spiritual health-A belief in some unifying force. It varies from person to person but has the concept of faith at its core.( canfitpro)


Foundations of Professional Personal Training With DVD by canfitpro.



These 5 parts must be operating in harmony in order for a person to be balanced. Most people don’t realize your health as a whole revolve around these principles


    Most Creatives biggest problems is they don't deal with themselves as a whole human being they deal with the Facade and this effect every other area of there lives 






























A Few years ago I saw his Video of Lady Gaga and she was not one of my favorite musician yes she had some songs I dislike in hear early days but I came to understanding in watching this there are two of artist being thrown into the industry up he creek without a paddle they came in to be FAMOUS and walked away with nothing some ending up drugged out on the street do to... Mental instability to not be able to handle the climb so RAPIDLY up the later They can barely handle themselves how then are they going to be able to handel there money 


The famous case of the anxiety attack when they realize what they really walked into and what could become a phase of rebellion away where they want their old life before fame back and start acting out or the direction where they could pivot and actually gain control 


What they needed was Guidance in to major area’s 

  • Mental Health 

  • Finances] 


So, I believe that this planned approach that will help a lot of celebrities sustain their careers  


for the average person on the opposite end of the specturm 




If you’re not functioning a 100% capacity you can run into road bumps like depression Anxiety that can turn into disorders, others can entail; leathery unhappiness, fear shame guilt the list can go on and on. Medical professionals call these emotional irregularities Bipolar, Bipolar- Schizophrenic Manic depressive…. Just to name a few


  • Doctors try to name it but if you look deeper at it a percentage of people in these groups aren’t actually sick or have anything wrong with them (though I am sure there are a percentage that do due to birth defects or brain injury) but a lot of regular people are clumped into these groups and all they are suffering from is different degrees of unhappiness caused by Not living there purpose.

  • Living there purpose

  • No longer agree with the belief system they grew up in

  • There spirit wants to travel the world but they don’t know how

  • They simply need to do a internal soul search to see what they really want out of life

  • Their diet is not balanced enough for them to have clarity of mind

  • They aren’t getting enough nutrient balance to support energy and positive thinking

  • They no longer believe in their families cultural customs and origins and want to explore new things      

  • As well as not agreeing with economic and societal norms

  • Praying

  • Meditating - Reading your bible

  • Devoting time to yourself and self-discovery

  • Are you grounding yourself


    Most Holistic health and Wellness Practices only deal with a person on the level of healing the Hart Mind body spirit with food meditation holistic therapy but I want to help people on Many levels Not just one level, but I want to  help people on a average of 4 different Levels ]


    Level 1- The Heart – getting to the heart of your problem figuring that part out what is really bothering you why you’re really in the situation that you’re in when you ask a person enough question enough times they will tell you what the actual underlying issue that they themselves haven’t even figured out and recognized

    I want to touch a person heart and inspire them to open there mind to tap into their creative muse within their own mind


      if there heart is in the wrong placce you know that can effect how many rational decision they make in there wallet 

      Level 2: Mind, Body, & Spirit

      Teaching them techniques to reprogram there mind to think more positively, change their diet to incorporate foods they like that are healthy that combat depression anxiety and sickness. Follow it up with yoga and exercise techniques that will keep them on track to having a healthier productive life style. Then spiritually helping them with their spiritual systems that will help them be more productive people in society 

      Mental Balance

  • Meditation


  • Exercise 



when these things are in order it Brings about a morrational outlook on how you spend and Budget your money 


What are the things they aren’t doing that they want to do,



 Not to discount the fact that they may also be burying issues that have occurred in their lives that they never told anyone about and are to afraid to face them. 




You feel guilt Anger, Anxiety, Regrets, Insecurities, shame frustration etc that can effect there fincial decision


These are your emotions things that you can feel from a day to day basis that can take your moods up and down through out any given time; they are controlled by chemical balances within your brain brought on by thought.


A thought Brings on a feeling brings out the emotion.


You get into an argument with someone it makes you upset you cry. Situation passes but receptors in the brain store that event and then you may notice that if you think of that event again what happened you feel that same emotion and you want to cry yet again.


This is the same thing that you see happen when people have ben through post-traumatic stress. A person gets into a car accident and the next time they get into a car they immediately tense up as the brains receptors replay the situation in there head and makes them feel fear in relations that thought. But when it replays the situation in te mind it replays all the emotional and physical reactions to the point that when they come out of the thought pattern they are crippled by it.


It’s your Brain trying to protect you even though it’s nothing to protect you from.



The way in which you interact with other people, with here it is on a one on one basis or if it’s on a group gathering basis.


How you interact


Do you inter act


How do you feel when you’re interacting in these group settings?


Do you feel comfortable in group settings with others or do you feel uncomfortable standoffish or even sick to your stomach to be in a situation where people may have to hear your thoughts and opinions.


Are you comfortable can you get people’s attention and keep their attention?


*We as human being can not function in complete Isolation you can start to go a bit mad and become mentally unstable, this where feelings of Anxiety when you haven’t had human contact in a couple of days comes from




Your connected to the divine creator, in whatever way you may be connected to the divine creator.(for my purposes I will refer to him as God, you may call him whatever your religious background calls him) god the universe or what you look at as the most high in your life. If your life seems to go out of Balance and you can’t figure out why you may come to find you have disconnected from your most high.


You can co a period of time and do alright without connecting with your divine creator but it is when you notice that shift in your life that seems like everything is going downhill you may need to do a spiritual check and see if your feeling your spirit.


Are you


Because if you’re not you will find yourself going out of balance




Have you ever noticed that if you’re not taking care of your body your whole body starts to act up


You get depressed = Eating wrong in turn makes you spend

You feel bad = not drinking enough water you won't think clearly

You get sick = upset stomach/virus etc

You’re getting migraines = something your avoiding addressing (internally or externally)

Stomach problems = something your burying and it’s attacking your gut


*Your gut is your center that is where your functioning health exists; your stomach can be where some of the most of you biggest emotional and physical problems can live


If these things are not Balances at once when you feel off balance you can end up feeling depressed and sick like something is missing.


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 Address. 500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel. 123-456-7890

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