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Customer: Servent Leadership

RESET Employment

Creating a service to create 9 of the business documents necessary to start a business


  • Grant template - How you can give back to the community and to it's people by providing services to the people that are underprivialged in your area's of expertise 


  • Contracts

Making sure that you have anything and everything that you need in order to know that you can make sure everything you need is taken care of 


  • Blog - Providing Bite sized digestable information in a consistant place were people can learn gather and grow through the process 


  • Website building - We help teach you and give you a play by play plan and stucture in order to serve your customers on websites like this one and many others 


  • Business plan - taking your Idea from Concept, to Content to cash


  • Marketing plan - Biulding out a plan in order to develop the proper strgy in order to biuld out you cash flow 





 Maybe this is your life

  • You get up everyday, seeing as your life could be different if your not a essential work and have to work as needed,

  • Maybe you work for. Tele commute

  • Maybe you have no job and you are looking for job or looking for a new jump start in your life


You just don't know how

  • You have skills

  • From school

  • From your job

  • From working corporate

  • Maybe you never worked and are looking to break into a career field but don't know how


What if you could pick up a pad sit down at your computer and start out at square one doing what you love to do.

  • First taking that pad and identifying what you love to do

  • Make a list and check it twice

  • List what are you gifted at

  • What are your talents


Why because we desire to build a life we love


  • Living your purpose

  • How to sustain mental and emotional health while building up business professional and personal health.

  • While chrusing your ego that tells you can't live your best life

  • * Living there purpose

  • *  No longer agree with the belief system they grew up in


Because of what your parents told you as a child

That set up the way you live your life

• They no longer believe in their families cultural customs and origins and want to explore new things

 • Not to discount the fact that they may also be burying issues that have occurred in their lives that they never told


  • How you feed your body

  • *  Their diet is not balanced enough for them to have clarity of mind

  • * • They aren’t getting enough nutrient balance to support energy and positive thinking

  • From the way you take care of your external appearance and how that affected internally

  • What you put in you reflects on your external enviorent a

  • How you carry yourself when you walk into a room

  • How you handle your financial life

  • *  There spirit wants to travel the world but they don’t know how


How your appearance will divine Align the right people to you.

Understanding how to build relationships while pursuing a career.

  • * Business partners - How to choose business partner's and evaluate relationships.

  • * Friends- and friendship

  • * Colleges -  .and partnership understanding and connection.

  • * Romantic connections - Relationships that we connect find love

  • Love

  • We all want love we all desire to see a change in our love to be loved and changed by love reformed and feel that peace and trust

  •            So let's connect.


Changing your mindset about societal norms and coming back to what is pure and right.

  • *  They simply need to do a internal soul search to see what they really want out of life

  • * As well as not agreeing with economic and societal norms


  • Understanding your day

  • Creating a plan for daily accomplishment that will change you life

  • Through daily implementation growth

  • * Personal growth

  • * Business growth

  • Life growth into the life they love.




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 Address. 500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel. 123-456-7890

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