Do you know that we all have a calling, A purpose someing that we were set into this eath to do and to accomplish but the problem is we have not identified it and have no Idea how to purse our God GIven purpose.
Updated: Oct 5, 2021
Kingdom creative . Creative Connective . Connective Collective
Updated: Oct 5, 2021
Do you know that we all have a calling, A purpose someing that we were set into this eath to do and to accomplish but the problem is we have not identified it and have no Idea how to purse our God GIven purpose.
Updated: Oct 5, 2021
A lot of people don't know what they already posess because they are so mentally and emotionally bombarded with the noise of life that they can't seem to find the Peace in the Quiet to think about it.
Updated: Oct 5, 2021
we All have a testimoney, the test before it all came together and created what we know now to be our lives we see it when we see the Gurus or our favorit celebrities but they didn't just appear famous, they went through a season or sevral seasons in the trentches bicking up the pieces.
The STEAM to Live the Dream: Are You Pregant With Purpose
Do you Have purpose, a Untapped potential that you have yet to discover yearning to see your life change that you feel it in the pit of your stomach Pulling you to transition into a change that you don't know how to get to let me show you the way
Create The Sound That Makes your World Go Round... Giving you the Steam to Live the Dream
Matthew 6:38.
We should seek first to build the kingdom of God. 38 Wherefore, seek not the things of this world but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.