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  • Writer's pictureTajma Cameron

Daniel Fast

Updated: Mar 19, 2019

FASTING:Daniel Fast

This is a very good way to change your diet. I am vegan (vegetarian I TRY, not to eat meat)

But i spiritially felt lead to go on a 3 day.

  • I got.

  • Letuce

  • Cucumber

  • Spinach mix

  • Fruit medley

  • - strawberry

  • - mango

  • - pineapple

  • Blueberries

  • Corn

  • Broth (optional)

  • Oatmeal

For 3 days I ate and drank

  1. 23.7, 24 oz or 33 of water (Before breakfast)

  2. Oatmeal with the fruit breakfast

  3. Water for brunch

  4. Smoothie (fruit above) for lunch

  5. Water supper (before dinner)

  6. Salad with everything listed above

(Eat nuts sparatically through out the day for protein and stop you from feeling hungry I didn't feel hungry or did i feel compelled to snack (as i normally do) Prayer - As often as possible

- Speak to the lord - Stay in prayerful mode Pray and pray FERVENTLY "the prayers of the righteous man availability much." It went smoothly but. I must warn you.

(SPIRITUAL WARNING TO FASTING) As you are coming off you tend to want to go into being mode. Don't give into that

You are in the middle of a SPIRITUAL and physical transition. Your body needs to adjust

If you eat a hearty meal. Your body will experience a blockage physically and spiritually. You eat something heavy you will notice the spiritual warfare will be HEAVY.

A lot of people call it tests (you CAN NOT avoid the testing period after a fast. )

3 things will be happening - God testing - assignment you must discern that needs to be accomplished - The Enemy trying you (lord allowed to see how you will handle it)

- You body will have blockage (bowel) spiritual you will feel things you are trying to accomplish aren't happening smoothy or feel blocked your body is blocked

The second that blockage moves and you start to flow your blockages in your life start to flow smoothly things you prayed for start to manifest.

But when they start to manifest you will cry tears of joy. The bigger the thing you pray for the longer it will take to manifest.

Fast and pray you will receive.

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