What you Should Expect...
When We are Birthing something New in any way shape or form we must go through a process and the process doesn't always feel good I have been on a personal journey to re birthing myself, My life while trying to create a Business in the process.
I never Realized just how much trying to Birth something that is close to your heart though it may be a physical child it can FEEL like you are birthing a child, Morning sickness nausea, cramps back aches, Mood swings, cravings you name it and the farther along the process the more weight come on you.
But i am here to help you shift your mind mentally emotionally Physically and spiritually in order to help you Birth a new you.
What you create and incubate you will eventually Birth into reality, so lot me walk you though the process come and join me
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Power Of Credit Mastery
some times we are in the midst of a Breakthrough season we have a tendency that we get to that point where we are going through Braxton Hicks contractions something is missing we are trying to get this thing off the ground and it won't work.
in one of the chapters of the book it talks about BEFORE you get pregnant you have to look at your Finances I like to live on the. $0.00 Formula where you get your money right
by figuring out your debts
pay off your Debts
find extra money and be able to pay your bills OUT {3,4,5 Months Ahead}
But you gotta start from somewhere and that is Credit... in order to even start a Business you Need to to have good credit.
But, what if I told you that I know a program that will Eradicate ALL your debt.
Restore your Life
Give you financial ability to stand on to build that that Business.
and have the ability to take care of
your Business
Your Family
Your Legancy