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STREAMS to Live the Dream.webp

Purpose , Podcasting Precense 

We Are The Innnovators that create The arcitecture  that is Helping you unlock your potential through Podcasting and creating a web presense that creates STREAMS of income


I'm Tajma 

I have spent the past 16 years of my life taking my creative skills through trial and Error to Biuld creative endevors and I went throught MANY up and downs, but I don't consider them to be FAILURES i call them Sucessful lessons in what not to do next time and how to pivot grow and scale. and now it my turn to take the knowledge i have learned as a Design, Author, speaker, podcaster Web content and site designer and help you biuld a Profitable Brand around your Purpose

16 years a Entrepenuer, Taking a Pivot from doing my creative Endevors for me and turing it Help other 

You Will Learn How To


Are you struggling with finding out what your really called to do?

Do you have a burning yearning in your gut for some thing to change in your life?



is the only thing on your mind is finding a way to get out.

are you struggling between two decision?

*  go back to work

*   start a Business you enjoy doing



or maybe your a corporate person trying to figure out how to restructure your business from the bottom up in these new conditions and your just trying to find a rest

  • "That sounds like work""
    it is a bit of effort on your part but the pay off could ten ex your income past the point of your unemployment check (they will be over by the end of October ) so why not create a Business around a business concept that will create the life you love the possibles are endless We Promise you the able to gain skills in 7 area's to walk away with 7 - 9 streams of income We promise you the way to set them up We guide you through the process we make it easy for you
  • I don't have the money
    We have a Free resource Just For you We are offering a Free one time coaching consult to walk you throught it
  • But I don't have time
    Do you have a hour or two in the morning or evening to do something for yourself "stop look at TV shows for two or three hours put them in your ears Laugh and start a Business" and for the first 5 people to sign up we will DO IT FOR YOU
  • I don't speak well
    you make it around you and we don't only do podcasting we develop webpages that will also help you being in income podcast is just a fast way to get yourself out there.
  • I don't have a quiet background
    Get noise canceling ear phones
  • I Don't Know where to start
    Start here pick up the Ebook on how to do it All from beginning to end But if you want to see how it done, you can join our done for you course.

at a young Age I came to a understanding that I had skills talents and ablities and I was not living at my fullest potiential. I went through my school years and I connected with my talents and my loves and Along the way I discovered something. It's nt that easy to do the things that your passionate about. You can want it and have a desire to do something but most people will come back to you and throw ice water on you with a reality check


"you have to pay your Bills

that's just a pipe dream"

or myfavoriate "GO GET A JOB"


I feed into that for years I dd what was right looked for work said yes ma'am no sir but a part of me inside was dying to a point that the frustrustration of conforming and hiding my true self was making me physically ILL, how many of you can agree you know in the pit of your stomach that there has to be more to Life then THIS, your screaming for a change don't know where to find it. If this past several months has taught us anything, Life is short and we can't live it doing something we don't Love. 


some of you may have come out of this and went back to your 9-5 and said "I don't belong here anymore." some of you have been in your careers and creative indevors and realized I don't Like this or want to do this anymore. but what if you could wipe the slate clean. be that woman or man that you always wanted to be you just need to find a new creative path by reconnecting to those things you were passionate about, realize what you do natually that could be your goal mind and finally find peace in that ache because you found your outlet. a direction you can Go in and Grow. 


When I gave my life to Christ 8 years ago, I did entire cleans of my life dumped everything out and had to start over it was one of th best and worst times of my life because i discovered who I was without everyonelese opinion blocking me and I made a decison to move toward purpose and Biuld a career. around my talents Didn't mean I didn't go through "starving artist season. but it was worth it. because


I was willing "to change the things that most aren't willing to change to see th results most were not willing to go the distance to reach"


Are you... are you willing to make the apropriate changes nessary to see your life launch into full freedom and security you have never seen or had. but you will know your walking in purpose and Living the life FINALLY you can enjoy and the ache will finally subside. 


take my hand let me show you how to get there.  



I still don't know if it's right for me


Well if your not sure how about you hope on our free one on one consultation call to discuss what might be a better fit for you


How long does the program last

it's take at your own pace... as you move through it...

We offer you a week of guided teaching and then you can opt in for coaching calls


We only have twenty spaces and that's at a first come first serve bases  after this weekend we will be cutting the spots in half  and offering those spot for VIP Upgrade

What People Say

“Working with Tajma Cameron was very easy, relaxing ...her expertise of understanding and looking at life with the passion of helping others is very rewarding & priceless. 

Catina Dawson, Pensilvania 

Thanks for submitting!

49 Flatbush Ave, #1031

Brooklyn NY, 11217

Tel:9173965359    |

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