Your Life Looks Like A Car Crash
Have you ever seen a car Crash
That thing that you hear people always say “it’s like looking at a car crash you shouldn’t but you can’t look away”
That what your life is to some people.
Some want to see you fail so they will watch your life like it is a soap opera and talk about you up down and backwards because of the fact that they want to see you fail.
They do because as long as you’re not doing better than them then you will be okay, they are happy with that.
But you see externally to everyone else yes your life looks like NOTHING it will never be anything (to them) and they just want to talk about it.
I remember someone telling me “the best thing I see you ever become is a Manger at Target” I realized as long as they knew me they didn’t GET that I had WAY more potential than that.
And with a lot of people that is the case, people will look at you and that will see your life as it can only be ONE way. This is the ONLY way it can be and there is No their way it can turn out (In their eyes and there opinion) of a preconceived notion But you see the way god works God will watch what you do when no one is looking how focused you are What you love how you love it and he will mold you shape you and help create you into what he desires and when he is ready
He will turn that life that looks like the ugly duckling into the Beautiful swan.
He will turn that car Crash into a beautiful new beginning that people can’t even begin to look away from because they now are asking
YOU How did YOU do that?
And you didn’t “GOD did it” and as long as you give god the glory for leading you and guiding you to the right places god will always Get the glory.
But it was GOD that did it.
God lead the voices into your life that spoke into you, God kept the encouragement around you to speak to you at the RIGHT time
Because GOD did it no one else.
And that’s the point, he has to prepare you let everyone see you in the state of your life looking like a car accident so that when he pulls you out they can’t HELP but to ask “okay, what’s the rub how did you do that, how did you, YOU end up there in that place with those people
Only GOD!!!
So let them look at the car crash… but as it says in the word
“he prepares a table before you in the Presence of your enemies” they must see the fall so they can witness the rise.
And though they might want to be at the table with you they won’t be able to be some will have to witness from the distance because they didn’t do anything for you when your life was the car crash so they have to stay on the outside and settle for looking in.