TIMING: Is Everything'
TIMING: Is Everything'
We have heard it before, but do we really understand it. Timing is everything.
You ever apply for a job 15 times and the 16th time you get it so easy it was like you walked into it. You ever been working on a career and nothing in your business plan is working then one day you try one last time make that one last move and when you do BOMB it breaks wide open.
A lot of people are looking at it like.
Oh that devil he’s been trying to stop me at every turn (it’s blasphemy to accuse the devil of doing something that God purposely stopped to help you)
No the devils not against you, you just went through the wrong door at the Wrong time and GOD slammed it shut.
Because of timing.
God has a schedule that we can’t see and it drives us CRAZY!!!”
It’s like having a Boss that has your Itinerary but won’t tell you but one thing you can do off the list at a time. You know if you had the list you could get as much done off the list as possible.
But could you… if you had it would you do it correctly if you an through the list to get it right. NO
We live in a world of… now…Now… NOW…NOW!!!
If it takes our computer longer than 3 seconds to a command were ready to throw it out the window, there has been made a ton of technology to make things move quicker faster more timely and efficient things that you could have done in a hour before you can do in minutes now.
NOW is the word.
But how many of you know if the timing is off on something God Promised you it could be literal curse to you instead of a blessing.
Think about it.
Let’s say you been working on something and you been working on it for ALL this time but if god gave it to you a second over the time that it was actually before it was meant to the deal could god south.
Or ladies you’re favorite. What if your godly ordained man came across you one day before you meant to meet him? He wasn’t ready to meet you and happened to be Mad about something that day and when he interacted with you it was like you were talking to a monster (that moment you meet your Idol celebrity and you get them at the wrong moment and they are in a personal emergency and they don’t react how you think they should YOUR CRUSHED) not realizing that had you waited 24hrs that person would have sorted out that personal issue and there mind would have been better able to receive you
I said it before
[Excerpt from previous post]
Look at this… what if you are set in time to meet someone that you are going to marry… you have a routine you’re on a schedule things are supposed to happen this way they do your comfortable with that. What if you live right next to your soul mate but because your schedules are off by ten minutes you never meet.
• You both go to the same coffee shop, • You both live in the same building, • you go to the book store next to the paper stand he byes his paper from every single day. • Your office is right across the street from his office. • You go to the same place for dinner but you sit down and eat he takes it home. • You get home at 7pm but he gets go me at 6:30 • You both sit in front of your TV watching the same shows • Both read your bibles him in his chair you in bed • He takes a shower before bed you take a bath.
You’re so much alike it’s insane. But for the simple fact because you’re so meticulous that you have a set schedule every day you never see each other (how many people have you lived in the same building with and never met them or on the same block and never met them) see what I mean
And it’s god designed plan on this one particular day you over sleep ten minutes your rushing to leave for work and you run out the door just at the same time your neighbor comes out and when you drop something he picks it up.
But TIMING had to be in play. I had Been trying to Leave town for my destined Location for MONTHS, and everything felt like it was lined up and I went to the train station and it was like a literal spirit block I couldn’t get past the terminal hall because I literally felt a spiritual wall there not letting me past I sat there 6 hours trying to figure it out.
Timing… It didn’t dawn on me for 4 days when my dad’s sister was trying to come into town and the same thing happen to her and she had to reschedule her flight and the first words out my father mouth when he walked in the door was “The TIMING was Off”
You see what I mean.
If it’s not time for something to happen it’s not going to happen, it could be out of sequence
• 3 minutes
• 10 minutes
• 1 day
• 1 month
• 9 months
But if the timing is off it’s Not going to happen you think your being punished but God has a Calendar we don’t see and we are frustrated because when it does come to pass it’s PERFECT. God’s timing is perfect.
You Get the job and all things are working right. Your travel on that rain to that new city You get on that plane for that BIG MOVE You meet the love of your life
So I KNOW it feel like torturer when you know you should be doing something everything around you n your atmosphere is telling you “IT’S TIME TO MOVE” your skin is humming, the buildup in you is BANANA’S
But if it’s 7 days off or one it’s still not right.
Gods timing is He might not come on OUR time
“For your ways are not my ways , for my thoughts are not your thoughts” “I have come so that you may have life and have it more abundantly” “for I know the plans I have for you, to give you Hope and a better future”
Wait on the Lord… he may not always come when you want him, but he’s always on time… and it’s PERFECTION