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INTINCT: Follow your “Holy Spirit” Gut

I was listening to T.D. Jake’s teaching from his Book on Instinct.

and my spiritual and Business mentor Coach Livi spoke this morning on being strategic that the enemy is going to try to knock us off our feet just before the blessings but we have to be strategic on order to break through.

we can’t fear our enemy… the enemy is a list so all he can do is terrorize us. you know like that mischievous kid that didn’t get what he wanted so would do something pettie like knock over your whole pitcher of fresh squeeze lemonade.

or for us Entrepreneurs we write a full business plan I mean this thing is so sweet images data all plotted out and it’s perfect and he’ll make the computer freeze just so you’ll have to write it all over from the very beginning.


but we can’t fear him we gotta know we’ve been through this before that was pettie we do it over and keep it moving.

the old schemes don’t work anymore so he has to do something new something drastic to try and stop you.

but you gotta be strategic…. running is no longer a option..

you gotta know that you gotta run towards the mark of the highest calling

God knows what the enemy is doing so instead of stop it he pulls you aside and gives you the KEYS (strategy) to win the battle.

now we all think about a powerful no nonsense women Olivia Pope… go get them takes No Prisoners woman if you think your going to knock her out she’ll read you within a inch of your life chew you up and spit you out.

now as children of God we can’t do that.

but we must be strategic… a lot of us are in that cross road we have to choose.

God’s way to handle our issue our own way to handle our issue

feeling would have us “go Olivia Pope” on it.

but let’s take a look at Olivia Pope stuck in a bad situation and see how she got out of it.

in season 5 Olivia got kidnapped from her apartment lock in a dungeon and couldn’t get out and was in no position to try and be Read them within a inch of there life. because if she did they could kill her.

so what did she do.

she was Daniel I’m the Lions den with no way out.

she had to think and think fast.

found something to dig a whole in the wall in the bathroom

Find another way of escape

for it says in the word “God will provide you a way of escape.

it didn’t work for the guy that was in her cell with her set her up to get closer to her to learn her secrets for he knew that if he got close enough to her and her being isolated she would talk to him right.

just like the devil… devil sends a enemy in your ranks to get close to you to get you to let your guard down and lure you into doing his ultimate plan.

but you don’t take the bait, and if you do God gives you Grace get out.

but in Olivia’s situation she makes a run for it gets to the door thinks she found freedom only to find she was outside the last test but in a much bigger holding trap.

just like the enemy, you get out the last level but your still in a holding pattern.

now what?

your beyond tired frustrated with this season to the point your about ready to give up on the ground in tears you even think it’s over.

so what now.

you ran out of options your looking at God and he’s put you on voicemail "hello this is God, I can’t come to your call right now but if you leave Jesus a detailed prayer I promise to get back to you”

and your like “but Jesus this is my 9:11” your supposed to answer.

now what.

you get strategic…

for God said “I know the plans I have for you to give you hope and a better future.

you get up dust yourself off and remember who you are.

Olivia Gets up and pretends to compromise while thinking of the structure of the second holding area.

knowing if your transported from this prison to another location you lose all your leverage because you know this prison you know the size length of the halls how much time it takes to get to the first exit door and you observed enough from the second holding area to know the size space distance to the exit… that the light is behind so what you do.

let the enemy do the work for you. the enemy wants to be all big and bad and let you know he’s coming.

but because he’s cocky like that he gave you just enough time to take the strategy you have and implement it in enough time to shift out the way

for the enemy is counting on you surrendering

the inner me is after of leaving the comfort zone if you bust out of the prison.

so you got them coming at you at all sides.

for the enemy leaves his house comes back finds it swept clean and brings 7 friends much worst them him.

you been wearing yourself out.

let them think you surrendered and let them escort you into the breakthrough.

PRESS into God, press…and run for it.

as soon as they escort you out the level into the holding area wait till they get close and make run for the door.

you’ll get out…

now some of us have been in situations were we went through the trail had to go back a level had to strategically get though the last level.

but what happens if that wasn’t out.

like Olivia you run out the door ran for freedom and a unexpected player returns that you wouldn’t have thought to be a enemy to take you out in the final minute.

so what do you do…

you tried with all your might to get out you have run out of options your best and Greatest Plan just failed to get you out now what.


because you see what Olivia didn’t know was her team was working all along to use the power to pull high strings in the Government to position themselves to get access to her but in order for there plan to work she had to walk out the process in order for them to position her right in the correct place to extract her from her captors

see as children of God we need to understand we may be in the wilderness but God’s got his Angels on assignment going above and beyond the government laws and rule systems put in place to constrict you for it says in the word

”…the Government sits on God’s shoulders. and though the enemy got you skewed and you ran out of options.

as the saying goes “when your down to nothing God’s up to something.

Olivia was being held and put up on auction to the highest bidder

devil puts a random out to have his missions go out and take you out just before the break through.

but God send out aping to the computer with a sign that only you’ll know

SIGNS Miracles and wonders

to let you know the caverelry coming to get you out just hold on a little bit longer we got you

Abraham ram in the bush moment is on the way.

Olivia’s at the end of her rope no way out this has to work they lost the bit to someone else so she knew she was going to her Doom.

she had Given up.

but the ram in the bush.

they take Olivia to the extraction point she thinking for sure she’s going to be sold to the biggest terrorist that she made a enemy that will eat her for lunch bury her bones and never be found.

But GOD…. Abraham gave up after taking Issac all the way to the mountain he was there and ready to throw his son on the sword. when the angel called put Abraham NO put the knife down and step away from the boy… look in the thicket.

Olivia was going to run if they shot her in the back it was to be her fate.

but then her ram showed up. see her best friend called in a old team members long gone to come back that was a great Allie and friend and he turned out to be the one that brought her. when she saw him she knew without a shadow of doubt she was safe when he gave her the signal (SIGN) he could be trusted.

so when her plan didn’t pan out

when the plan she saw as the way of escape didn’t pan out.

the unexpected plan surprised them all.

so when all our human options don’t pan out. the way we see God doing it doesn’t come to pass the way we saw it.

God will swoop in with the ram in the bush that without a shadow of a doubt you knew it was him.

for it says in the word Psalms 23:5:for I make a table in the presence of your enemies.

for when God gets you out of this situation you will know and so will your enemies ONLY God showed up to get you out… there was no other way it could have happened or been explained. couldn’t be explained away. only GOD did that. No one else could have humanly possible gotten you out of that.

the word for you.

Trust God.


Watch God work it out.

for Eyes have not seen not ear heard what God will do for those who love him.


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