REST Before RESToration
Sounds simple right, we all do it…. We go to bed at night and we go to sleep.
Not for a Driven person, driven person has NO CHILL….. They are constantly keeping moving. They don’t know how to do that because of the fact that they are creative thinkers and the creative side never sleeps it’s wants to keep working keep getting feed keep getting inspired keep moving.
There drive is insane
But in a season of rest… you actually need to rest, Eat….. Sleep… stay hydrated.
So that they may remain focused
Able to think Discern what is being done for and around them Because to stay quick witted as it relates to what their next move is
Driven people find it hard to rest… I am actually very GLAD that I don’t have my cell phone anymore because I would work for 16hour straight no chill when I had my cell phone because I could little work all morning got to the library work on documents get off the computer after four hours pick my phone up and continue the work
With the excuse of “Oh well I get so much more work done if I don’t stop”
But I’m losing full nights of sleep only sleeping between 3 and 5 hours a night. It’s not healthy but that where drive comes in because when your driven you don’t sleep. You eat sleep and dream your purpose and your goal and you don’t stop until you have reached that thing so when life says.
Slow down sit down this isn’t a season of working hard this is a season of flowing, resting relaxing and letting the work take care of itself. You are still tense and on edge and that nervous energy needs an escape so you feel like you can’t slop and sleep you must keep on moving.
But in order to take full advantage of your harvest season you must be willing to rest in that in between time because when god makes THAT move. The move you been waiting on the move that changes your WHOLE life you GOTTA be ready for it or else you’re going to miss the biggest breakthrough of your life because you weren’t able to discern a counterfeit from the real thing.
Because you didn’t REST.
REST… because your RESToration and Destiny depends on it.