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Not every church is of God

Not Every Church is of God

When we think of church we think of a place that is of God and a place that you can go in and trust because the representation is of GOD himself so you think that it is going to be Of God But the truth of the matter of fact is that is isn’t always the case some cases it is about the money that comes from being a (501c3) which means you DON’T have to pay taxes

This is been my experience with churches sense I have been a Christian.

My old church “Gethsemane Baptist Church” (I miss Them :,) they gave me a good foundation in the lords word and he gave me the ability to understand the teachings.

When I left Baltimore I had no church within 2 days I found

-Emanuel Baptist (I felt it was right) it had an energy here a sprit that was better than even that church. I felt something so much more (Liter and youthful childlike sprit which reminded me of)

Matthew 18:3

Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International VersionAnd he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

During this time Individuals came to me and tried to convince me to come check out there churches and so I did (but with a cautious spirit)

Victory Of God – this church was a mess

They said one thing and did another (said they would pick you up at 8:45 didn’t leave till 10:45 [after calling them 15 time through two people and four confirmations they were coming]

Transportation was a mess

Fight broke out in the church


It felt like the church was trying to kick you out after you ate

And then it took them forever to get you home)

1 Corinthians 14:33

Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International VersionFor God is not a God of disorder but of peace--as in all the congregations of the Lord's people.

Which brings me to the next two churches

Universal Church – this church was ran very organized but not warm very military and didn’t feel right, it felt like a cultic thing like you were doing ritual no doing a actual service. also about Profit (50,000, 100,000, 25,000) bigger church bigger donation

Restoration Church – this church (given the benefit of the doubt) because they had a GUEST preacher there this guy was coming for 5 nights and was ALL about MONEY (donate $91, $910, $9100)

These things aren’t of God so you have to be able to discern spirits. And once you are able to discern spirits you KNOW what it is that you are doing and dealing with and you remain aware. Keep your eyes open o the warning and unction’s of God

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