KEEP Going
The other day, mater of Fact the past two days I have been feeling like someone hit me with the worst hang over stick that was in existence
I couldn’t shake it I was tired and no matter how much sleep I got the exhausted I felt and I couldn’t shake it off or did I know why I was feeling that way.
I slept when I could sleep and I was up doing what I had to do when I had to do it but it was like something way weighing on me and I could not shake like someone sat a invisible elephant on my shoulders and it wasn’t going to get off till I gave up.
But guess what.
I didn’t I slept when I could sleep but I got up and I did what I had to do each and every single day nonstop no matter how I felt, because as long as I was moving and doing God gave me the grace to complete the assignment I had for that day no matter what that assignment was and I took the time to relax in the in-between.
When I was in a time slot pocket that I couldn’t do anything I just took that time and rested and worked when I could.
The good part about that was I was allowing myself the freedom to rest when I had the time and the ability to rest (which is something that I NEVER allow myself) ever sense my phone has been out of service I don’t work as much as I use to, where before I might have worked 16hours a day because my phone was at my fingertips… I work for hours a day and use someone else phone in the late night to catch up on the important sermons and encouraging videos too keep me in a good spirits
And that has helped me it has allotted me the ability to take time and breathe when I need the time to breathe when before I might have just forced myself to work and work constantly some days I would work 22hours straight because the computer or phone was in front of my face. God has brought me into a season of allowing me to relax in the flow of thing and not constrict.
But with that being said things have been so tiring as of lately I have to force myself to stay on top of things but god has given me the grace when I met the challenge and I kept on going.
We are in a “season of more” more work more segments more exhaustions more of everything and we have to keep going. We can’t stop and rest and sleep when we get tired we’ll sleep our way right out of a blessing, we must keep going because there is a blessing in the obedience to the continued pursuit, it’s a test and you have to pass it
So my Question to you is… Will you keep going?