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Go Big or Go Home!!!

Go Big or Go Home!!!

How many of you are prayers Rise your hand

well there is a scripture in the bible that states

Ask and ye shall receive Seek and ye shall find Knock and it shall be open

most people when they pray they will bombard the heavens with prayers for things like

  • Lord can you pay my rent

  • Lord can I get a new job

  • Lord can I get a husband

  • Lord can I get some money

  • Lord can I get some food

you have a Huge God who is listening he is willing to dispatch Angel's and ALL you want is your rent paid or a better house

have you not heard the scripture that says "ye is but a little thing for me to do"

believe it or not all that stuff is like spec on Gods radar that he can barely see why don't you ask for something Big, I was listening to someone on periscope and they said "if God has a open heaven a above you and you ask for something what are you going to do when you find out it was THAT easy... you would be like, I should have asked for something Bigger then that"

How about something like this

  • - Lord Give me a home in four different regions of the worlds for you say there are mansions in heaven... and you say you want to bring the kingdom of heaven onto earth, can i have a mansion, here and New York and Paris and Victoria falls Africa

  • - Lord Give me MILLIONS of doors (if you wish) the Power Balls is 600Mill can you give me 6 hundred Million dollars so I can make s significant impact on your kingdom, because it says in your word, the blessings of the lord maketh rich and and no sorrow... we shall LEND AND NOT BARROW {I can't lend if I don't have enough money to lend} the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just

  • - Lord send me my husband and not just any husband the one you desire for me filly aligned with your purpose for me because is says in your word that woman and man should be wed woman was made from mans rib, bring me the man who I am rib to... man leaves his mother and fathers house and cleave to his wife.

  • - Lord I desire a Career I don't want just any career one that will be so big that I can impact the world regions, be in Forbes, Fortune 500, New York times, that give me the ability not only to make money but to invest, pay men what they deserve to be paid, Travel all over the world Do mission Work, Evangelist and tell the word of God all over the world, but have such grace to enjoy where ever I go and have such favor on my life I don't have to purchase anything I want as long as I am doing your work you will GIVE it to me.

  • - Lord touch the workings of my hand and make me a Great chef and that I will be able to travel the world and eat at many of the great restaurants of the world, tasting great cuisine and be able to bless people with the food that I make for them. because it says in your word "do not worry for what you eat or drink but of every word that come out of the mouth of God


ask for something Big, something that looks big

but you see most people ask for what they believe they are worthy of and there worth is WAY underneath what god is able of doing.

Not to mention. in most cases if they do receive it they feel they will be ostrosised by the church because the church makes out that being in "The world" there must be something wrong with you if you have money "Money is the root of All evil"

but the wealth of the wicked is saved up for the just The MEEK shall inherit the earth and it is THE LOVE of Money that is the root of All evil

these are the things that make Christians not ask not to mention that we feel so unworthy for asking that you end up having to deal with so much unworthiness in your spirit while being prepared to receive it because when you feel unworthy when you get it you push it away

  1. you have the money you spend it ALL

  2. you get the husband you run him away (then wonder how you ended up divorced)

  3. you get the big house and you don't treat it right

  4. you get the new career and you end up loosing it because you don't trust yourself EARN large amounts of money you'll platue and not be able to get past that point.

  5. Food you will use it more so as comfort to you and feed your unworthiness and not to help you become healthy

  6. (Most people don't realize that the food they are putting in there body helps them being about certain feeling of anxiety worth unworthiness)

the enemy is a prince of the air so if he can control your thought by using things you like to eat to give him a open door to torment you and not allow you to be clear in your thoughts and feelings he's got you and you won't get anywhere or be able to sustain anything because you have to constantly pull down thoughts.

but are you truly willing to allow the enemy to sit on your mind and trick you out your blessings

pray for what you really want allow god to get the unworthiness out of you and be blessed and walk in it.

but most of All GO Big or GO HOME!!!


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