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When I first came into the city I felt that was God was leading me every step off the way I even felt peace in my decision as I rode on the bus. Into town

The fit time I went to church service the first sermon about preparing for what you prayed for which the reverend taught about stepping off the boat

Making the decision to step out into the places that you Don’t know and being willing to be able to walk into just Abraham did

Genesis 12:1

Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version The LORD had said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you.

Study Bible

The Calling of Abram1Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father's house, To the land which I will show you;2And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing;…

Being able to step out of the boat, (walking to this new city with NO knowledge of where I was Going)

Walk on the water (walk with no know direction but to do it scared and know that god is providing the whole route)

God was with me the whole time do even when I floundered (two weeks in having panic attack like I didn’t know what I was doing God still showed me he was always there by having me go back to look at my dreams and show me that he SHOWED it to me months in advice that I was going to experience those thing those feelings and I would be okay just keep going)

And then I went to church that was my covering while I was there.

Bible Study

- The Joshua Study

We were studying Joshua 1:1-9, ch 4-6

We discuss the entry of Joshua and the Israelites into the city

And it ALL started to make perfect sense to me

I was in a holding pattern, I felt like I was in limbo like I was in Brooklyn but not IN BROOKLYNN, I was living but I was unable to really do anything

Then the poster Brought up something that blew my mind the passage in the bible

The Israelites were stopped by God because he gave them two commands before they were able to fully enter the city.

1 all the leaders of the tribes had to place a rock at the place and tell there children’s children from every generation what was done,

2 they All had to be circumcised

Then it made perfect sense

I had had a dream before I came into town that I was going to go through a door and in the process everything that was in the precious place was going to be burnt off and I came out as a new person in new clothing that was unrecognizable to the person I was before.

But first my Heart had to “circumcised before I could fully enter the city”

This blew my mind because of the fact that the pastor before I left Baltimore stated to be “circumcised “ meant to have your Heart worked on and repaired

Week 2 – 7&10

Preparing for the entry into Jericho,

Knowing what you can and can’t take in

This spoke of the fact that one of the people betrayed god and tried to steal something and bring it into the city that they were not supposed to Bring into the city they were meant to leave it behind and because they didn’t

They were made an Example of and called to death

So what do we hold onto?

For me coming in was to hold onto worrying about my Father (Uncle) I left behind was he okay how he would feel about me having left as suddenly as I did.

With that being said “taking things I might night have need”

- First thing I wondered about was the Mug I brought that was my mothers

- Second I Brought a coat

The word says do not worship false idols

But for me it was one of the last few things I had from home and to me they were air looms, do I know whether I should have kept it no, but it was all I had left of my mom so it meant a lot to me to Bring on this trip

The fact of the maters is we go through the cycle

We leave Egypt (Exile)

Head to the promises land (Wonder in the wilderness [what could have been 11 day] took 40 years)

Enter promise land (Caanan)

We go through cycled between Wilderness and Entering promise land,

Thing is once we reach the promise land we still have to Grow we have to Grow to be able to manage the next level f blessing so every growing period we go into another wilderness, then we go into growing starching period only to get to that next pedestal of the promise land.

Week Three 11 – 18 (to the end of the book)

We spoke about the distribution of the powers and how they interested into the city had Blessing after blessing after blessing got two comfortable lost a BUNCH of his warriors in the process cutting him down from the 300 he had because he got cocky.

So we lean in this situation that when we get into the land and we start to see that the land is good and we start to see movement opportunities opening up and actually start to see moment to not get cocky bite off more then you can chew and end up Messing up yourself because you took on to much at one time.

This speaks to me because I am once that has a bunch of vision and I want to get ALL things done, but if it’s done out of GODS timing it won’t work it will be a quick fix but the (water Moccasins and the Absalom’s) might destroy it if I do it out of season just because I’m so happy to see movement I

- Stick my foot in my mouth

- have trip up that could back up my reputation

All the words that my church spoke over me during this time was very Relevant.

It goes to show you…

- God Bring you everything you need.

Through his word and through his Angels sent to give you the appreciate messages to confirm or want you in the midst of All things just to show that he is STILL here and Still in the Midst.


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