Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Feeling "Between [the Rock of 'your Past'] and a (Hard Glass door 'to your future)
Today, I had a Good Morning but when I left out to get some work done it was like a weight came down upon me that I felt like I was Stuck {in between}
I was sick of the being where I am and not yet reached where I was trying to go.
feeling like I was stuck between a rock that was trying to pin my and hold me in my past and a glass door that I could see through to my future place and I know the door is being prepared to be open but it has yet to be opened and it's like your looking through the door and your getting every message say (the door is about to open the door is going to open, be patient it's coming it's coming) but it's not hear yet
and it can be frustrating
not because it's frustrating so much but because you have spirit of Restlessness on you because everything in your atmosphere is telling you it's time it's time the door is coming open and of course you haven't seen it and you so ready to SEE it you could burst. you wanna RUN right into it, you see it in the spirit you KNOW it's
still stuck and on top of that people are trying to remind you of WHO you once were and your gotta pray THEM demons down and away from you.
and you just tired of the back and forth but the word of God says
- "stand still and watch the Glory of God" - "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." - "Dig ditches in the desert and you will not see the wind it will look like nothings happening but for when I do the new thing it will SPRING up"
we are SO impatient, we live in a world that we get things in a BLINK of an eye we grabbed our phone we can find something in second we can do things in a moment a phone call, we can get thing done instantly but when it comes to God he is slow to move because he is preparing and perfecting you for what it is he is going to use you for.
patients you can build something that will withstand but rush it and it will crumble.
so though we may feel uncomfortable. though we may feel out of place though we my feel tired.
Don't get weary in well doing
pursue and keep on GOING, and when god does it "BABY" it will be SO big that it will be so mind blowing above and beyond what you could EVER dreamed of
Prove me not I will not open you up the windows o heaven and pour you out the blessing that you will not have room enough to receive
but we have to be PATIENT and wait or your' miss it
and stand still and watch the glory of the lord even if you feel like your Between [the Rock of 'your Past'] and a (Hard Glass door 'to your future