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All You Need Is A Touch From God

Touch from God: "he is touching someone that will restore everything you lost"

Have you ever heard that saying, God will touch someone that restore everything you lost, I have and for the most part it went in one ear and right out the other. but some times it pays to pay attentions.

I didn't get it.

but you see I had to get a deeper understanding and change my perspective on life to I haven't had the best 5 or so years if i would be honest it would be ten years I lost a lot I gained a lot of wisdom and i felt like for these past several years I have been trying to gain traction in a mud slid, every time i get a foot hold in something my foot slips and it slipped away.

but what if you we're believing and had faith in god that god would actually send you someone into your life that would restore it all, someone that would make everything you've been struggling to get easier because they would literally take the struggle away and hand you the answer.

society tries to tell you "no one is just going to GIVE you anything"

But you see if you live a godly life style you know that Anything is possible with our Lord and savor, and as a mater of fact as a christian he Lives for the barrder rand trade system he would rather you give to someone instead of pay for something, he would rather someone give to you and he actually send people in your life that want to give to you that want nothing in return but to make sure that your okay.

because that how god operates but don't get it twisted God won't send you help like that unless you are prioritizing the things of God, and that is how he shows himself mighty to you and in your life. he will provide for you and send people into your life that will satisfy your needs because he knows when his children are taken care of they can take care of his business more freely and with freedom.

it is important to him so yes he will send people into his children's life to help restore them at specific times, and to prove it to them he's even send people with power and stature to them when they are in there dry season just to talk to them to give them wisdom about things. and as season change and they evolve he will turn around and prepare them with greater and bring greater people to them to restore more to them. but even more then that

he will qualify the called, he will put a mantle of an anointing on there lives where he will qualify the people that he has called to do great things in the world, but in order to do that he has to prepare you.

he has to do a simultaneous action where he is preparing you, he give you notions and suggestions as what he wants you to do dangles a idea in front of you and sees if you take the bate and start to work on that Idea, then he starts to grow it, mean while he's go to your "promised land" and have his angelic spirits whispering in the wars of the people he plans to connect you with giving then ideas but he won't ever have them get the whole picture because he gave the answer to the equation that their trying to solve.

and THAT is how he Qualifies the called, he gives you something that is worth while to solve problem that someone in a potion of power would need then all he has to do is reveal you to them, and you want to know something, when what you have is worth while. that alone will gave some the desire to "Restore everything you lost because your a valuable assets.

David is chosen

David Plays the Lyre for Saul 14 Now, the Lord’s Spirit had left Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him. 15 Saul’s officials told him, “An evil spirit from God is tormenting you. 16 Your Majesty, why don’t you command us to look for a man who can play the lyre well? When the evil spirit from God comes to you, he’ll strum a tune, and you’ll feel better.”
17 Saul told his officials, “Please find me a man who can play well and bring him to me.”
18 One of the officials said, “I know one of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem who can play well. He’s a courageous man and a warrior. He has a way with words, he is handsome, and the Lord is with him.”
19 Saul sent messengers to Jesse to say, “Send me your son David, who is with the sheep.”
20 Jesse took six bushels of bread, a full wineskin, and a young goat and sent them with his son David to Saul. 21 David came to Saul and served him. Saul loved him very much and made David his armorbearer. 22 Saul sent this message to Jesse, “Please let David stay with me because I have grown fond of him.”
23 Whenever God’s spirit came to Saul, David took the lyre and strummed a tune. Saul got relief from his terror and felt better, and the evil spirit left him.
Esther Made Queen Esther also was taken to the king’s palace and entrusted to Hegai, who had charge of the harem. 9 She pleased him and won his favor. Immediately he provided her with her beauty treatments and special food. He assigned to her seven female attendants selected from the king’s palace and moved her and her attendants into the best place in the harem.
10 Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so. 11 Every day he walked back and forth near the courtyard of the harem to find out how Esther was and what was happening to her.
12 Before a young woman’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics. 13 And this is how she would go to the king: Anything she wanted was given her to take with her from the harem to the king’s palace. 14 In the evening she would go there and in the morning return to another part of the harem to the care of Shaashgaz, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the concubines. She would not return to the king unless he was pleased with her and summoned her by name.
15 When the turn came for Esther (the young woman Mordecai had adopted, the daughter of his uncle Abihail) to go to the king, she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the harem, suggested. And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her. 16 She was taken to King Xerxes in the royal residence in the tenth month, the month of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.
17 Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti. 18 And the king gave a great banquet, Esther’s banquet, for all his nobles and officials. He proclaimed a holiday throughout the provinces and distributed gifts with royal liberality.
Ruth Meets Boaz in the Grain Field5 Boaz asked the overseer of his harvesters, “Who does that young woman belong to?”
6 The overseer replied, “She is the Moabite who came back from Moab with Naomi. 7 She said, ‘Please let me glean and gather among the sheaves behind the harvesters.’ She came into the field and has remained here from morning till now, except for a short rest in the shelter.”
8 So Boaz said to Ruth, “My daughter, listen to me. Don’t go and glean in another field and don’t go away from here. Stay here with the women who work for me. 9 Watch the field where the men are harvesting, and follow along after the women. I have told the men not to lay a hand on you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled.”
10 At this, she bowed down with her face to the ground. She asked him, “Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you notice me—a foreigner?”
11 Boaz replied, “I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband—how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before. 12 May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.”
13 “May I continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord,” she said. “You have put me at ease by speaking kindly to your servant—though I do not have the standing of one of your servants.”

In all theses story of the bible God has chosen regular people and pared them up with extraordinary relations ships friend ships or marriages, so never under estimate what god can do because when he Qualifies you to be called... he will bring someone to you to restore you double everything you lost and it will be so much better.


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