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Financial Relations

Health makes wealth

* Kingdom connector * innovation Architect building the Financial foundation nessasary to Grow


* MakeYourMoneyMakeyouMoney


* TheSTEAMtoLivetheDream


"Are You Pregnant with Purpose?" Do you realize your relationship with your finances effect the impact on the rest of your life and it's my job to leading people out by helping them understand day to day relationship with financial and how it impacts 

Mentally -

  • The scream - Feeling like you want to scream

  • Escape at all COSTs

"Harry hoodine - " when he would trap him self in the box he would say " the only thing I am focused on is getting out. " 

Poverty is not a lack of money it's a lack of Mindset Not having that you will not having freedom in the physical. (Chains breaking) - Loose mental territorial boundaries so we can 

Step into what's next - that Leads you into what's next

Emotionally. Breaking the crutches we use to cope or dull us down that creates the blocks

  1. Self Medication  - desire to be on drugs

  2. Oppression - the feeling of no hope pressure that keeps still stalked and stagnant because of...

  3. Fear - constant anxiety worry and doubt may never get out and become what you striving for.

  4. Sucide - fight against suicide


A. Running (how to run a marathon we call life

B. Walking (walking it out daily)

C. Cooking - what are you putting inside of you to give you the fuel and the steam to keep going.


. finding the spiritual center they can walk through Every day

Social - deal with branding there reality and having to keep function in there relationships in the everyday world.

  • But still have self awareness and self care

  • Which brings us to branding yourself self image

For yourself

Or to become a business

No quality jobs - create the jobs

How to get out of there jobs to create the business

Financially - biulding there finances from where they are now. Helping them build - get out of

Are head into poverty pivot create a business and grow


How breaking it Down create your job it's time to close the G.A.P. coaching by helping you 


- Purpose - find your purpose, 

- position you for it, 

- Presence online marketing

- Promotion brand yourself

- Podcasting to produce 


Using these five areas to help you turn your gifts and talents into a profitable business or help you use them in the current position your in and help you come out


Let me help you turn your voice into the "sound that makes the world go round" 

Through building your OWN podcast 


Creating the content around it , Storyteller: content to copy 


❤️ Speaking on podcasting 

🧾Authored 8 books

Teacher - 5 courses 

🧆 Culinary training - vegan coach 


Re-Elevate to Re-align

SPA - Shift. Pivot. Align.

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