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Mission Statement

To Create a Shelter System For The homeless that effects the entirety of the system by creating a New standard of how the homeless are being taking care of in the appropriate way


To create a business that the homeless have a place to stay but not just a place to stay a functioning facility that is multi-dimensional by this I mean that it’s a community for the homeless within a massive shelter that operates like it’s own incubator, you have a living area where there is Multi-levels that allow for the homeless to get their own apartments or rooms. Open spaces paces where there are just beds for them to sleep, Area’s for them to shower and get clean clothing, small medical area’s for them to be treated before they enter into the rest of the population of people (in order to prevent infestations, bed bugs, Lice and roaches) clean sheets and bedding, get them adjusted and then get them help 


Business Objective(s)

to reach homeless where they are get them off the street make sure that they are taken care of the way that they need to be taken care of from to bottom


[I would not only want to get them a job I would want to use the system created by my Evolution of inspirational couching to figure out what they are good at what they have talents for if they are to mentally Ill have partnerships with facilities in order to help them get transferred to facilities that could handle their mental health (Nursing Homes, senior living facilities) getting the homeless where they are and having them be at a facility that will allow them the help that they would need find their skill and abilities and use those skills and abilities in other area’s to put them to work, fixing up places or doing activities that make them feel useful, get them work experience that would later allow them the ability to either get jobs or the ability to create businesses of their own but they would not leave the facility without at job, a home of their own and some sort of purpose whether it be business to employment that will keep them on their feet]


Competitive Advantage

It would be a homeless shelter but the way that I plan to do it would be mass like a homeless shelter but in a facility as big as a massive church, or even a Mall and having it built out to be a facility for the homeless at the end of the day all the homeless really want and need is a place to go to lay there head to be clean and taken care of that is what this will be. ESPACIALLT for the veterans that need to begin to claim their checks and to be taken care of and being put in to faculties that they are being handled and taken care of correctly


The advantage to my services is I would work together with the military and working to help the veterans and programs that would like to help the veterans to make sure that hose homeless that are veteran are well taken care of and able to be transferred into senior faculties that they would be able to be okay and functioning.


This is where real state would be a good part of it because working with someone that was a real-estate Investor would be able to find facilities homes and houses that could be renovated into places that the homeless could live and thrive in. either having owner ship or sharing ownership of these facilities that I I could in turn wake money from to bring back to the business.


I want to touch a person heart and inspire them to open there mind to tap into their creative muse within there own mind


Mental Balance

  • Meditation


  • Exercise and yoga


  • Prayer


Touch there creative side looking at who they are and figuring out what it is that they want to be or figure out what is missing that is preventing them from feeling and aligning there internal feeling with as they appear that they are where they want to be.


Lastly looking at there home and now that they have become internally changed making sure that there external fully reflects there internal change.




Level 1 – the Massive shelter home, finding huge church like buildings and having them built out as transitional homes for the homeless working with Churches government programs and senior citizen buildings and Nursing homes, to provide transitional homes for homeless and veterans until people got on their feet]


Level 2 Being or partnering with real estate Brokers where they are and Buying out real estate .

Turn Key

Rental homes


4 Plex

8 plex (etc)


Having the homeless that have skills to be able to help fix up these places and give them the ability to live within these homes (Habitat for humpty deal “if they fix it up they get to live in it”)

*payment may be to help continue to build homes and or get them working for pay with contractors.


Level 3

Buying out Mobile home parks and instead of putting mobile homes on them put tiny houses and or luxury tents for these homeless people to stay in that would allow them to have some sort of place to stay in order to help them feel like they were living even if they were not within regular homes


Tiny homes run on solar power and to get those homes made and put together and have the homeless put into them a place and a way that they feel safe and have shelter over their heads it would be a massive shift in order to help the homeless community just feel like they being a contributing part of society and functioning within the community


*Buy up Land

*Turn it into Mobile home parks or (Tiny Home parks)



Ronald Davis - Homeless Chicago Man, tells heartbreaking story 
















there mission: go out in the streets to the homeless shelter. Find out about the people. Get there stories you need to find out what they did for a living and what their passions were in life.


every city in the US and all over has abandons homes these house SHOULD NOT by any means be sitting empty with so many people on the street homeless and can't get housing.


go to your local chapter of the community improvements board find put how many empty properties lay fitment and have your fans do the same in there city 


reach out to habitat for humanity to get help if they don't help look up the company just started building all solar home with only the amenities need to get people on there feet. Look up Tiny house, TINY Houses movement Andrew Morris TEDxColoradoSprings, Big hearted man and his calling to build tiny houses for Oakland homeless 


there is a man building tiny houses for the homeless look him up "Tiny House for homeless" as well look him up


get with these people together all of them have skills and trades I'm sure just don't know what to do with them the others that are to old need housing so look into having every fan in the US to reach out to their local church's gather together to get those elderly veterans homes or into home where they can be taken care of.


The Industry


This for me is a way to bring in the money I need in order to fun my business the way that I want to Create It allows me the ability to gain the knowledge on Real estate how to buy and sell properties where they are get into the markets where they are the most lucrative, Knowing where the houses are and being able to get them to the people wanting to purchase them. As well as being able to buy properties eventually for my own business needs. (Because that will allow me to make Money off my own Property which will be most lucrative for me)


Quick Flips

You Buy the deed for the home then sell that deed to a person willing to buy it


Turn Key

Rental homes


4 Plex

8 plex (etc.)


You buy the property (at wholesale) and hold the property and make money off the rent that you charge the tenants per-month to pay off the property


You can but it hold it for 6 months or until you recoup your investment and sell it


(* When it comes to regular real-estate I can use Buying and selling as well as turnkey Properties to make money off of.)



Or you buy it fix it up turn it into condo’s or retirement communities and rent them out for Hire price


Fix and Flip

Is exactly what it says you buy it Fix it up to point you can make 2/3 to ¾ your money back and then sell the deed to a new buyer


*I can use Fix and Flip Homes to rehab, fix them up  then use my interior Decorating part of My company to decorate the home for sale (I can then use the photo’s that are taken on my website as example how my company can Fung shai  a Home for my clients)


As well it can be used as a tax deduction when I rehab a home for the less fortunate.


I will also be using it to help develop a Non profit


The Service

Homes and facilities for the homeless, pure and simple, creating a place where the homeless can stay can gather can not only stay there but become a functioning community to not only help them but to help them with their mental state to put them back into society, figure out what broke them down and got them on this treat and rebuild the person,


Figuring out what they want

  • What is there talent

  • What there need is

  • If they want a job

  • Or have the ability to be Business people


Cultivating their talents putting them into groups that they can help each other and become functioning creative innovative people  



Goals and Objectives


  • is to get as many Homeless people off the street as possible

  • and not only off the street but doing productive activities

  • that will lead them to self-sufficient services that they can provide to help others

  • Build functioning lifestyle that makes them feel like a vital member of society,

  • but not just a vital member of society but actually do so by doing work as business leaders or working under or with the same people they work be side



Be able to create a system that brings homeless people in put them through the work and the motion get them becoming active members of the inter-networking and community. Allowing people to actually help each other out. And create lasting bonds as they build and left each other up and rebuild there own lives together and if this can be made possible I believe these people would be closer friends and Business confidants then anyone else because they ALL came out of poverty together at the same time by helping each other out through the process of helping each other up and out





Description of the Customer

Homeless people

On the street

Living in poverty about to lose their home and needing a place to stay needing counseling guideline and to be transformed back into NEW and improved functioning people within society


[Refer to the Appendix where your detailed customer profiles are.]


Target Market Description

Target markets

Young Adults


  1. Homeless with roofs over there head

  2. Homeless in shelters

  3. Homeless on the street


  1. Homeless with roofs over there head

  2. Homeless in shelters

  3. Homeless on the street



People of All ages colors and races this is about unifying the people that are Broken within our community and societies and helping the rebuild back into functioning members of society and leaders within our community


3.Homeless person – this is person down and out on the streets with great Idea and a great purpose but have hit compete rock bottom they can’t afford anything but the service being available to people in shelter could help them get to a level that they are at a starting point, job living situation and life back together… you want to turn them into the middle tear client and then bring them to a hevel that they want to be


  • One of the most beautiful things would be to take a homeless person to on the street to becoming middle tear person where they have their home there job there life on tract and bring them up to having enough confidence to become and peruse their dreams and become a TOP TEAR person and the glory of seeing person come up from that. THAT would be phenomenal.


My target market

Top level, this is a group of people that are looking for services that can afford to pay more absorb ident amounts for services and it would be easier for them to get these services on the regular can come to training on the whim and have no problem getting these types of services


Level two is a lower priced client that is a more regular working joe that may need the services and want to or be able to ay for the services at a much lower rate.


Level 3 these are people that can’t really afford the services and would better fit into the category of getting these set of services on a Non Profit Level where the government organization pays me to supply services to the clients on a low cost fee or charge but the rest is payed for on government backing but no money is paid directly to me or my employees from the client.


Level four where the homeless down and out people who defiantly can’t afford the services but can be picked back up and renewed through a non profit service get them through a specialty set of services that would first allow them to get back on there feet before they went through a more intensive level of services. That would really get them back into a fulfilling member of the community.


[Sales Summary Forecast Table]



Market Influences--External

Homeless Shelters – because there are shelters that will provides

  • Beds

  • Services

  • Work with other non-profits to provide clothing

  • Work with transitional housing to provide rooms for the homeless


Competitive Advantage(s)

That if it can be Built and put together in such a way that it has every level that I am seeing it Built and created into it could literally actually be something that has never been seen or done before and never been attempted in the history of our people


We are living in a time in society where people are desperate for a change and to have this type pf faculty and help FULLY funded and Built to help the people it could actually truly make a MASSIVE difference for out country and community as a whole because it would Bring so many people services and communities together to oppression and feeling of anger and oppression because people would be moving forward and functioning in society but it would LITERALLY take everyone that is unemployed every homeless person to  get up get out there get together and work together in UNITY to Rebuild a society that functions as it should






Existing Competitors

Homeless Shelters

Senior citizen Buildings

Nursing holms

Trailer parks

Retirement communities

Mobile home parks

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