Taking your Desire to Make money and the desire to live a life of Freedom with Writing.

travel writing
I can remember as a Child being the kid that played with her mom the game of pretending I was going on vacation
When I did get to go to Family Vacation I would always Dress up
I never Forget playing with my cousin pretending we were movie stars traveling all over the world
Travel has been on my heart when every we went on family Vacation it always Hurt so much to have to come back home It would be a bitter sweet feeling to come back home
But I had only been to
New York
North/South Carolina
But I knew there was more to the world then that I dreamt of Traveling, one of my Favorite things to do was write about traveling in my stories
My top three destinations I would love to Travel
Turks and Cacaos
I desire to see the world Go to Africa and see where my ancestors came from Israel to see where the biblical locations are and so much More Travel is in my Blood

money making websites
being able to set up a site speaking about the topics that you love and then get paid for affiliated market.
now back in 2013
I developed a site. it was a fashion blog and every time i said
steals and deals
impressing for less
I took products that were my top products choice and linked them back to my Amazon sales account embery link they clink on they could buy I can get paid i could do the same for you.
you can do google ad sense
promotional videos
social media ads just for you to link you with products that align for business.