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Turkey: Unique Festivals You Must Visit

Refusing anything less then the best


I love to hear when Ciara talks about her Life

I love to hear here give Props to our God all Mighty and the fact that without him she never would have met her husband , but I was watching her talk about how she felt just before she met him and the fact that she wouldn't except anything else and I said "how long are we willing to pres to get what we want"

are we willing to continue to fight until we get it

When you know your close to something and your just pushing in and pressing to get to it

I heard Ciara doing a interview day that she was dealing with trying to bring her album out the desire and press she has for it when she went through to keep going

She said " it's that point when you know that you know that you know that you know

You look at yourself in the mirror and are willing to identify what you are doing wrong

She spoke about feelling this block... And in feeling block she knew

Sometimes we aren't ready for where God is trying to take us or where we are about to go But I was ready I was ready

I was so focus I was saying NO MORE of the same bad habits ... NO MORE of feeling this way again and again"

Not letting anything stop her when she wanted something just to keep going keep moving forward let nothing distract

When we are going through we don't want to stop and ask questions we want to keep our head down keep going and get there

But sometimes you have to make choices, you have people and places you have to go, life happens things get in-between you still have to take as much energy as you can to fight to get to the goal.

And keep your life in balance, lord brings help when needed it she was pressing to get her life in order and when she needed it Russel showed up he made it easier for her to do what she was called to do, so as you keep doing your duty as a Christian and walk through it if your willing to fight stay in position the resistance will end and the door will open

Just don't sell yourself short, God does have a plan keep moving he'll reveal it.

Walk with it and he'll take you the path of least resistance (believe me it is moving you just have to keep confident keep your spirits up, the doors will open... It's coming get ready

Come join GOLD.TCM on all social media outlets. Look for our forum

One last thing I will be offering a copy of My book "victorious Dominion and Authority" for FREE... Yeah free 99

With about 20 of my favor articled to help motivate you into

Becoming the true you you are truly meant to be.

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