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Make a impact

A lot of times we look at celebrity and we say there lives are so beautiful they are amazing I wish I could sing like Beyonce or dance like Janet Jackson

(Can I say her new single is FIRE!!! Made For Now)

But I was sitting here and I just got finished watching a beautiful documentary on Aaliyah's life by her brother

And I am literally still crying and I stopped watching it a half-hour ago

But the point is so many of us don't persue our dreams and our goals.

The thongs we wanted to do at 5, 6, 10, because practical living blurs the lines of our dreams.

We say we can't, make every excuse. But when I looked at that film I said to myself.

What if we don't... What happens when we deprive ourselves and never become what God wanted you to be

Every time I look at Aaliyah's life and get to "Rock the boat" or "More then a woman" I think.

That's it... That's All,

You feel like it should have been so much more, where would she be today had she survived, think she would have been for us what Jenifer Lopez is for Music, actor dancer and singer.

She was well on her way, with acting affect like Holly Berry and Angela Bassett.

So what talent are we depriving the world of if we don't walk in full authority of who we are, we lost a legend in the making.

Who's next is it me?... Is it you? Are you willing to step out on Faith and take that leap.

Leap!... Where you land could be amazing.

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