Taking a juicing detox for the next 4 days I just completed my first cup of the juice already get rid of mucus and I just drank it.
It’s a good cleanse for parasites as well as Candida
Mint (fresh)
Cayman pepper
Lemon (juice skin
Orange (juice skin)
Garlic cloves (2-3)
Dandelion (they look like big long leaves …. Parsley
Full spectrum minimal (oil or pill.. I used a pill but oil is good off you want to add it to the juice. )
Spinach Broccoli
Candida can cause, intense anxiety emotional lack of control, fatigue, mucus in the throat allergies and heart burn if you suffer from any of these you may want to try this cleanse my also make your spiritual openness more powerful as you clear out your toxins in conjunction to the super new moon
Now, for me this is my 4th detox first with this blend
Now it all depends on what you want to do.
If you wanna juice cold turkey you need to do a 3 day cleanse before you start.
Eat fruits for the first three days and it on a bag of mixed nuts every time you eat the fruit portion your nuts divide the can so you eat even amounts of nut all three days and divide the portion for every meal
Example 3 days a third of a bag per day if you are earring twice a day just eat half of that days nuts with fruit for breakfast the second for dinner drink water ALL day in between.
Same if you divide it for 3 meals
You should clean out completely between day two and 3
Day three you would drink only your juices for breakfast lunch dinner water in between flushing your system out
You can do 7 days (3 day preparing) 4 day straight juice 3 day preparing 7 day straight juice
I warned you
If you are cleansing and you have a job or activities throughout the day drink a gator aid first thing in the morning a immunity booster (I use emergen-c) you can mix it with you Gatorade (or make the Gatorade your juice base for your morning juice and pour the emergen-c in your blender and blend it with your morning juice
Now if your going no food at all just juice (by day 4)
I suggest before you drinking you evening juice get some sea salt
Himalayan Regular Etc…
Take a pinch (no more then ten or 12 granuals) put it on your tongue let it melt with your saliva, switch the saliva salt mixture around you mouth a few time and swallow follow with water (DON’T take the salt with water) you will get the runs …. It will take ALL the fluid out your body I know I did it by accident trying to clear up constipation ended up in the ER for a fluid drip because I dried out all my water.
Why are you using see salt, your blood pressure WILL drop if you are actively moving around on this fast
Cause you to get heart palpitations feel tired dizzy like you may pass out (I know because it happen to me and thank god I knew)
Suck on sea salt swish it around swallow (chase with water) Take the immune boost (you can drink the immune booster instead of water right after) Gatorade to replenish your electrolytes
Now some like to to drink fresh coconut water as apposed to the above in substantiate for regular water.
(Raise your hand if you plan to buy ten or twenty coconuts to drink FRESH coconut water instead of regular throughout the fast (not supposed to by store bought because of additives and preservatives)
But I would suggest getting a alkaline water filter just for health aside from the fast alkaline water is the best water you can drink period
But when it comes to ways to prevent your body from crashing and blood pressure from getting dangerously low use my suggestion I can only speak for what helped me stay on track.
Take a full spectrum mineral everyday because you will loose minerals as you detox.
And start using a pro-biotic the last few days (take triple dose (or one with every meal). I use the gummy)
Use it for two days after you come off the cleanse as you slowly work food back in don’t just start slamming food down your throat ease your way back in do soups slowly hey back into regular meals or you will make yourself really sick rushing to eat to fast.
Next be careful consult a nutritionist or naturalistic doctor on good plans make sure your doing your body justice
Some people prepare by doing a colon cleanse (enyma) clear the passage way for all the gunk to come out.
Before you do anything do your research first Don’t just take my word for it.