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  • Writer's pictureTajma Cameron

Rent:Pay You

Renting should never be something that is the end location for a person owning should and how can walking in the ablity to be a owner change the way you think about renting.

When you strt the process of renting you should be thinking about where that is going to take you and how you can go about getting to that place, some of us go through so much just to get in the position to rent that the thought of owning after that terrifies us. but it doesn't have to. Design with Ease

“A renter can eventually own but they end to take the steps in order to position themselves with the right mindset for Buying a whom is your credit correct, do you have Credit, how much is your income that a realtor and bank would be willing to take a chance to get you into the home you want.”

What is your Goal to get a home, Look at the housing markets and look at what you can afford to deal with, can you afford or will you be able to afford in the next ten years if you save to move into that home. now some may e able to cut corners and get in with the skin of there teeth if they keep inflating there insurance policy and the pll it all out to pay on the house... but in the long run is that really smart... is that what is going to keep you in the home when you have to pay that money back... or are you not going to have insurance policy when you die because there is no money in it Make Practical decisionhow do you do that, well you choose a plan that will a lot you the ability to grow into the home you desire to move into. you live in a apartment... so you can afford to pay a specific amount of rent. now think about being able to save that every month... if you really want to challenge yourself being able to save the amount of ALL your bills. okay how do you do that... start by figuring out what your expenses are calculate how much you spend on bills a month. Now you gotta pay those bills right... how can you supplement your income making the same amount of money doing something you love What do you do

“What do you do that you love to do that you don't consider to be work at all and could do ALL day long Rain or shine, after or before your 9-5.”

I once heard a quote from Whoopi Goldberg that said if you wake up think about and go to sleep thinking about writing then your a writer if you wake up and go to sleep thinking about singing your a singer if you wake up and go to sleep think i about acting your an actor. what do you LoveCookingWritingCreatingTalkingDrawingEattingshopping if you love to do it then you can create business around it and create a home office around it to make it easy for you to do it and get paid to DO it Get InspiredGet inspired by listing these things once you know them think about how you can turn these things in to Careers as Multiple streams of income that can then supplement you through out the month, so how do you do that find YOUR personal niche or several at once that you can create a unique formula that will then allow you to promote what you do to someone else and then generate a leads to that thing. once you know you must promote and grow! but what you have to do first is figure out out how much you need to make each month to aford to get to that dreams home in a resonance amount of time, by writing a plan for 30-60-90not traditionally how do you multiply each of these time periods so you can see growth and real money coming in to get to that goal you have your first amount to be earned in that first 30 then lets multiply it times two by the second month the 60then you multiply it again by the 90 in that third month. Knowing understanding what you used to build that thing and then example you want to buy a 900,000 dollar home that your dream home how much would you have to make to hit that goal to pay for that home, usually you have to do some form of a down payment on the house anywhere from $150,000-300.000 now lets say you want to make this in 3 to 5 years 3 year - 100,000 a year 8.3 thousand a month, 50,000 a year 4,150 a month 1 - 2 thousand dollars a week figuring out what few things have you are passionate about and how much you would have to charge and sell per month to meet that in come goal and where can you sell or promote them. that will help you hit that income goal. if you do multiple things, find 2 or three things that are easier for you to do and divided it so you can make 3 to 6 hundred dollars in each of these things making your meet those income goals and then you put that in a savings account that gains you interest per years and what ever you make you can save from your main income to add to it, the more you make the more you can can save get to that dream home even faster. if you save money for paying college tuition you can save the same amount and buy a house. get secure credit card and save your extra in it which cleans up your credit while your doing that, making sure to pay all your bills on time and if you can get enough money to pay your bills up so that you can pay them two three 5 months ahead and save the money, more you are able to save the more you are able to reach that goal to by your home. make these little changes chart what you need to make and then build once you figure these things out you create a Business around these things and run this Business out of your home and there by the money made in the home pays your bills and then you use that money to multiply it and then make more money and use it to help you move on and move out and move up.... How can your pay you

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