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Writer's pictureTajma Cameron

Internet Tablet And Cell Phone Oh My

we live in a world that operates on multiple different devices and because we use all these devices these devices have bills for monthly Bills om paying for 22 gb a month of internet, Memory, teri bites, Verison Bills, Internet Technology,

We Live in a world that is a majorly charged by ECommerce times are changing and we are ssing alot of the major chain stores closing because it cost to much to have over head it's cheaper to get a Factory and sell out of Amazon that will host all your products Amazon has Monopolized the bame and has made one the smarter moves ever made. the top 3 conglomerates areGoogleFacebookAmazon it has never been easier then before to start a Business with a Few Clicks, all it takes to own a Business is to Create a Business name Purchase it... once you purchase the name... Buy the Website just like Wix, Webs, Wordpress or Square or Pantheon. Build a website around the very thing that you are passionate about. and when you build that Business Biuld all the social Media platforms around it Facebook.... Great for Video, some articles Twitter... Quick QuotesInstagram... mini Video, insta-Advertisements... words of Wisdom and Memes {give your Brand attentions}Pintrest - Great for Food and artistic things High color Graphics grab your attentionsTumblr - it's it's own entity success can go either way with themSnap chat - one minute thoughts and more know how to advertise and use these things to your direction and advantage... I never knew but Facebook has algorithms now that you and press your product to groups of people that are more likely to buy what you sell... you have to pay for this {I'm not comfortable with that... but you very well might be more comfortable with that kind of advertising, but to each his own} I like growth to come organically it's all about the networking and becoming an influence in order to be a person worth following to gain the ability to have and Draw in the right people naturally because what you have to say is worth hearing and through collaboration working it and it will work for you

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