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  • Writer's pictureTajma Cameron

Comfort In the Cold

Updated: Mar 5, 2019

Comfort in the Cold

Reason for the season – here we are in the middle of the winter and because of the fact that it cold you start to think about the nice warmth from the hot summer teas of honey apple cinnamon, to Red Velvet Hot coco, and what about soup to warm you up, a Pot Pie to Fill you up or a casrol. So let dig in on the favorite winter time favorites to keep us warm in the winter time.

I remember when I was a Kid my mom would go to the store and she would go and get pot pies, it started out with the Banquet Brand and then I got up and got older I loved the Stouffers pot pies in chicken or Beef and then Marie pies. So full and some so big and filling and it was the best comfort food. 

When you get home from school on a cold Rainy or Snowy Day you get home and my mother would cook up a chicken soup that was full of Vegetable, Chicken chopped up and the spaghetti Noodles and then they would swell up with that chicken Broth perfectly Flavored. And you love that flavor the seasoning the chicken seasoned to perfections... so Lets get in this kitchen and get comfortable.       

II.   Chicken– Now you take your chicken, and you soak it in water slat vinger overnight of few hours watch it off then you take the seasoning salt, garlic, pepper mix together and Rub it underneath the skin if you want to do a marinate you put it in the plastic bag and let it sit overnight and cook your chicken overnight. Cook it on 375 for 3 hours the last 45minutes take it down to 350. 

III.  Beef– Now you take your beef, and you soak it in water slat vinger overnight of few hours watch it off then you take the seasoning salt, garlic, pepper mix together and Rub it underneath the skin if you want to do a marinate you put it in the plastic bag and let it sit overnight and cook your chicken overnight. Cook it on 375 for 2 hours the last 45minutes take it down to 350. 

IV.  Soup


  • Celery,

  •  beets,

  •  onion, 

  • carrots, 

  • kale,

  •  garlic, 

  • turnips, 

  • parsnips 

  •  sweet potatoes, 

  • fresh parsley. 

 Cut equal amounts of all vegetables (washed) and put them in a one-gallon pot. 

Get your seasoning and then pour in your chicken Broth. And cook the Vegetables on low for the next few hours (about the same time you cook your meet three hours on a LOW simmer)

Pour the Broth from the Chicken directly from the pan, let the chicken cool, and then chop it int cubes and add it to the pot and then toss in your Noodles {I like the Barcella Green sptinich Noodles, or the Glory Green Noodles} or even the rotti screwdriver Nooddles. And toss those in let it simmer for the lat twenty minutes remove from the fire and then just let it sit cook and move to a Dish to hold and Serve. 

V.  Pot Pie

       A. Use your Meat and wat remains from the chicken or Beef you can just use your Chicken straight.

Use the recipe for making pie Crust. 

       B. In a large bowl, combine flour and salt. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in water, a tablespoon at a time, until mixture forms a ball. ... 

Roll dough out to fit a 9 inch pie plate. Place crust in pie plate. Press the dough evenly into the bottom and sides of the pie plate.

Cut equal amounts of all vegetables (washed) and put them in a one-gallon pot. 

Get your seasoning and then pour in your chicken Broth. And cook the Vegetables on low for the next few hours (about the same time you cook your meet three hours on a LOW simmer)

       C. once your vegtables are down to the last 45minuits take them out drain the juse off into another pot at your thickener get your chicken or Beoof Gravy Mix ad in flour to your desired amounts till thicken {if you like crème but what ever woulkds best for you {tick use instant potatoes to thicken it up}}

Por in your vegges and your chicken into your cooked crust then pour on your mixed gravy too the top. Put your top crust on in what ever style you choose. And then cook for the last 45 minutes.

Let Cool then sevre. 

VI.  Casarolle

       A. cook your Meats your vegggies then what you do its get the pastry that you can slice or make you own pastry dough if you desire. Add a layer of pastey down in the casrole dish. After your chicken and Veggies are cooked 

       B. Cut equal amounts of all vegetables (washed) and put them in a one-gallon pot. 

Get your seasoning and then pour in your chicken Broth. And cook the Vegetables on low for the next few hours (about the same time you cook your meet three hours on a LOW simmer)

       C. take youir pastry doo the first layer then do you chicken layer veggy layer gravvey layer then add your next layer of pastry cover that layer then repeat till you get to the top Crust “some do pastry, Cross hatch, even use biscuits how ever you decide cook for 45minutes cool cut and serve. 

VII. Conclusion

       A. But If You Love what you have read, Comment Down below let me know what your favorite recipe is and what you're going to try out... even share your tweaks if you decide to try the recipe out, Food is a luxury that we take for granted, there are so many out there going hungry, in the streets, so many in other countries that aren’t even able to eat and are eating things people should never eat... if you have the ability to Give, Give, if you have the ability to make a extra meal fund homeless person and Give it away, Make one and Feed one... take time to bless someone else

Love Faith peace and Blessing 

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